BlogHide Resteemsvoronchihin (62)in photography • 2 years agoWinter is back! / Зима вернулась!It's the middle of March, and we have snow and frost! ... Середина марта, а у нас снег и мороз! ..... There was no such beauty in winter as there is now! ...... Зимой такой красоты…voronchihin (62)in photography • 2 years agoThe first Sun this year / Первое Солнце в этом годуThe sun ... someone noticed that there was no Sun in St. Petersburg for 17 days ...... Солнышко ... Кто то заметил, что в Питере Солнца не было 17 дней .... .....voronchihin (62)in photography • 2 years agoThe frosts have passed / Морозы отступилиUsually severe frosts come to Epiphany. But not this time - +5 was recorded in St. Petersburg . This is the warmest day in the history of observation. (so say the forecasters) ...... Обычно на…voronchihin (62)in photography • 2 years agoHappy New Year! / С Новым Годом!Today is the last day of 2022 ..... Сегодня последний день 2022 года No luck with the weather this time. it started raining today. The temperature is about 0... Sorry ...... На этот раз с…voronchihin (62)in beautifulsunday • 2 years agoSnow is great! / Снег - это здорово!Pure snow is both beautiful and pleasant! .... Чистый снег - это и красиво и приятно! And yesterday there was nothing .... А ещё вчера ничего не было. Голая земля .... ... It…voronchihin (62)in photography • 2 years agoThe first snow in St. Petersburg. Winter is coming / Первый снег в Петербурге. Зима близкоSo some snow fell. From the snow around it becomes lighter and the mood rises ..... Вот и выпало немного снега. От снега вокруг становится светлее и поднимается настроение It's a little…voronchihin (62)in beautifulsunday • 2 years agoFrosty days / Пришли морозные денькиWinter is coming soon! .... Зима скоро! At night, the frost is up to -5.... day -2 . It's Sunny Today! It's beautiful all around! ..... Ночью мороз до -5.... днём -2 . Сегодня Солнечно…voronchihin (62)in photography • 2 years agoAutumn Petersburg / Осенний ПетербургYesterday I went to the district of St. Petersburg, where I haven't been for a long time .... Вчера ездил по району Петербурга, где давно не приходилось бывать. Suvorovsky Prospekt.... ....…voronchihin (62)in photography • 2 years agoSaturday walk to the exhibition of paintings dedicated to Peter the Great / Субботняя прогулка на выставку картин посвящённых Петру ПервомуThe exhibition "30 paintings from the life of Peter the Great» .... На Марсовом поле открылась выставка " 30 картин из жизни Петра Великого " ...... The exhibition is dedicated to the…voronchihin (62)in photography • 2 years agoHurray! Summer again! / Ура! Опять Лето!indian summer has come .... бабье лето пришло ..... .... it's nice to walk in this weather ..... приятно гулять в такую погоду .... К вечеру налетели облака...voronchihin (62)in food • 3 years agoI'll go - I'll eat delicious! / Поеду - покушаю вкусно!I love Asian cuisine. On Aprashka (there is such an area in St. Petersburg), there is a real Chinese cafe. Chufalnya. I've been going there for a long time and today I realized my wish .... Люблю…voronchihin (62)in photography • 3 years agoA walk through autumn St. Petersburg / Прогулка по осеннему ПетербургуThe weather got better and I decided to take a walk around the city .... Погода стала лучше и я решил погулять по городу .... Embankment of the Obvodny Canal. Warsaw and Baltic railway…voronchihin (62)in photography • 3 years agoFestive Petersburg / Праздничный ПетербургYesterday, on May 9, I was in the very center of the city, for the passage of the "immortal regiment". Participated for the first time ..... Вчера, 9 мая я был в самом центре города, на…voronchihin (62)in steem • 3 years agoUnexpectedly! / Неожиданно!... the elevator is not working. = But there is a new route - to the 9th floor ! ..... ... лифт не работает. = Зато появился новый маршрут - на 9 этаж ! Tired! I'll rest a little .....…voronchihin (62)in bru • 3 years agoSuddenly Winter returned at night / Неожиданно ночью вернулась ЗимаLet's go for a walk, and there it is! ... Пошли на прогулку, а там такое! My dog was also surprised.... Моя собака тоже удивилась.... ... And with pleasure I ran on the last snowball…voronchihin (62)in bru • 3 years agoDid you call the Snow Maiden? / Снегурочку вызывали?Here I am! ..... Вот она я!voronchihin (62)in bru • 3 years agoWalk along Moskovsky Prospekt / Прогулка по Московскому проспектуDue to the total pandemic, I don't want to travel a lot or walk around the city at all. Unless of necessity. Here I made a sortie to the Moscow district. And I did a useful thing and took a walk…voronchihin (62)in bru • 4 years agoLive well! / Жить хорошо!And Life is good! / И Жизнь хороша! .... in a warm car / ... на тёплом капотеvoronchihin (62)in bru • 4 years agoClouds over the city / Тучи над городомIt was a very beautiful sky over St. Petersburg, I decided to show you too ..... Очень красивое небо было над Петербургом, решил и вам показать And usually everything looks like this:…voronchihin (62)in bru • 4 years agoThe coronavirus has already reached the shoes / Коронавирус добрался уже и до обуви...Passing by retail outlets, I came across such a sign on a shoe store ..... Проходя мимо торговых точек, попалась такая вывеска на обувном магазине I specifically came to ask why such a…