BlogHide Resteemswormhole3 (62)in smts • 2 years agoWormhole3 realizes Smart Media Tokens (SMTs) with Steem Blockchain (pls support us by voting @smt-wherein as Witness!)Since first learning of Steem in 2018, we have been captivated by Steem's Web3 vision. We read the Steem Smart Media Tokens whitepaper ( ) very early on and have been eagerly awaiting its…wormhole3 (62)in wormhole3 • 2 years agoWormhole3 alpha ver0.4.1 is online and launched two core functions: Tweet on-chain & Tweet and PromoteAfter the day and night efforts of the Wormhole3 development team, we are very excited to announce that Wormhole3 alpha ver0.4.1 is online. Wormhole3 is a decentralized and composable social…wormhole3 (62)in wormhole3 • 2 years agoWormhole3 releases ver0.4 alpha, becomes the 2nd largest DApp on Steem social blockchainThe Wormhole3 team has been exploring the development of blockchain-based social applications since the end of 2018 and launched WhereIN on the Steem blockchain in January, 2019. In 2020, our team…wormhole3 (62)in elon • 2 years ago社交媒体正在偷走你最宝贵的东西,我们有权对马斯克Say NO吗?周一打开Twitter应用的人们发现,马斯克占据了信息流的主导地位,有十几条或者更多马斯克的推文和回复出现在了关注他或者没有关注他的用户的信息流页面。 马斯克在周二下午承认了他对时间线的改变,发布了一个流行的”Elon’s tweets“的女性强行用奶瓶喂另一名标有”Twitter“的女性的Meme图片,同时将她的头发向后拉… 事情的前因后果,此篇 《Yes, Elon Musk…wormhole3 (62)in wormhole3 • 2 years agoLiquidation to Earn | Twitter分享爆仓经历上链,获得NFT和1000U+奖励!11.09事件,又是惊心动魄的一夜,从CZ宣布收购ftx不到半小时,市场由多转空,大饼破新低,多军全面覆灭。回想起来,所有在行业内的人,谁没有过爆仓的经验呢?9.4、3.12、5.19、11.9,分享你的感受,发推上链,获得 NFT! Twitter分享爆仓经历上链指南 注册Wormhole3(,获得Twitter…wormhole3 (62)in wormhole3 • 2 years agoStellar Trek Adventure Guide中文版 Wormhole3, 为所有对新世界有兴趣的探索者提供Web2到Web3的桥和Web3探索工具。Web3就像一个未曾探索的宇宙,在群星之间,你可以记录自我,也可以发现宝藏,参加Wormhole3 的Stellar Trek活动,在这里你可以找到最好的Web3项目,最终你也会发现更好的自己。 Stellar Trek Guide 活动周期:10月9日 —…wormhole3 (62)in wormhole3 • 2 years agoWormhole3 Ver0.2 版本开启公测,欢迎大家体验中文版 Wormhole3 Ver0.2 版本已于10月8日正式开启公测,我们更新了许多有趣的新功能,欢迎大家积极参与。 Ver0.2版本网址: Steem用户专用网址: 注册教程:怎么样开启Wormhole3之旅? 新功能 打赏功能 1、点击【推特小贴士】 2、点击【将 STEEM/SBD 打赏给其他Twitter账号】下的【去发推】…wormhole3 (62)in steem • 2 years agoCoincidence Labs Proposal for Rewarding Global Ambassador背景 Background Coincidence Labs发起于2020年8月,相继孵化了Peanut - Staking DAO, Nutbox - DAO创建平台,Wormhole3-去中心化策展平台。 从Peanut到Nutbox,再到Wormhole3,Coincidence…wormhole3 (62)in steem • 2 years agoWormhole3成功入围2022万向区块链秋季黑客松总决赛由万向区块链实验室主办的2022万向区块链秋季黑客马拉松,拉开了2022上海区块链国际周的帷幕。本次活动主题围绕“一起链未来”展开,聚焦低碳环保、Web3.0及数字化转型三大领域,设置绿色未来、蓝色未来、彩色未来三大赛道。Coincidence Labs孵化项目Wormhole3作为蓝色未来·Web3.0赛道的参与者已成功闯入决赛,并在直播中进行了精彩路演。 Wormhole3…wormhole3 (62)in wormhole3 • 2 years agoWormhole3 Ver0.2 测试教程测试币领取教程 1、打开 2、点击「Peggy tokens」,选择10 USDT 或10 USDC 注:测试币每天只能领取一次 策展教程 1、打开 ,登录账户,点击右边「三杠」 ,轻点「Curations」 2、点击「Create a curation」,创建策展任务 3、按图示,填写策展的主题以及内容描述,定义策展结束的时间;…wormhole3 (62)in steem • 3 years ago在Twitter上玩转你的Steem,1000 STEEM等你们领取!!!为了激励Steem上更多的内容创造者,Wormhole3现在可以将推文直接同步到Steem平台上。Steem用户也可以使用他们现有的Steem账户注册Wormhole3。发送带有#steem的推文也有助于扩大Steem社区在Twitter上的影响力。 8月31日至9月10日,成功注册Wormhole3即可获得STEEM奖励! 奖励设置:1000 STEEM,先到先得! 🏆TOP 1…wormhole3 (62)in steem • 3 years agoLink your Twitter to Steem, Come to share 1000 STEEMTo motivate more content creators on Steem, Wormhole3 has now enabled tweets to be synchronized directly to the Steem platform. Steem users can also register for Wormhole3 using their existing Steem…wormhole3 (62)in steem • 3 years agoWormhole3-easily links Twitter to Steem, and makes Steem community trending on TwitterWormhole3 makes it easy for anyone to create a Web3 social media channel (# TAG) for their project, community, or DAO, with the help of a Web2 / Web3 bridge and a decentralized social media…wormhole3 (62)in wormhole3 • 3 years agoWormhole3 is now live on testnet, don't miss the OG role and share the 300 USDTOn August 17th, Wormhole3 launched the testnet. It is expected to go live on the mainnet at the end of September! Testnet is used for testing and experimentation without risk to real funds or the…wormhole3 (62)in wormhole3 • 3 years agoWormhole3, Using decentralized curation protocol to make information, hashtags, memes popularA decentralized curation marketplace is a model that allows teams to collaborate more effectively and profit from the value they create together around a common goal. In the first article, we…wormhole3 (62)in wormhole3 • 3 years agoWormhole3, Give everyone the ability to build their own Web3 social media channelThe Web2 social media network has spawned many decentralized communities, from city/university forums to Reddit, DouBan, Jike, and more. If DAO is the holy grail, then Web3 social media is the…