BlogHide Resteemsyemiao103 (28)in zzan • 3 years ago음을 보여라여자 프리스타일 스키 플랫폼 결승전에서 중국 선수 구아링(18)이 2주 동안 축에서 1620도 회전하며 결승점프에 도전하기 전까지 한 번도 해보지 않았던 극도의 고난이도 액션으로 우승을 차지했다. 남자 스노보드 슬로프 장애물 기술 결승에서 17세의 Su Yiming이 공중에서 1800도 회전하여 은메달을 획득했습니다. 그들의 끊임없는 돌파구. 인생은…yemiao103 (28)in cn • 3 years agoThere are 19000 warm "light snow flower"Recently, American athlete Tessa Maud posted a video on social media saying that when she entered the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics, she shouted "hello" in Chinese to the…resteemedbotcigar (51)in hive-193186 • 4 years agoPemeliharaan burung LovebirdHalo sahabat where in dimanapun anda berada selamat pagi dan selamat beraktifitas seperti biasanya salam hangat dari saya semoga kita diberi kesehatan dan panjang umur dan jangan lupa untuk jaga…yemiao103 (28)in hive-193186 • 4 years ago槊是一件怎样的武器?同是长穿刺兵器,槊和枪区别在哪,谁更强?槊是中国的冷兵器,位列“十八般武器”其一,是长杆矛的种类之一。槊在外形和攻击强度上酷似“红缨枪”和斧头,但是具体形制上又与两者相去甚远。 槊是一件怎样的武器?同是长穿刺兵器,槊和枪区别在哪,谁更强? ▲槊 根据使用场景的不同,槊又可分为马槊、步槊和杂槊。顾名思义,马槊是骑马时使用的武器,步槊则是步兵的专属,而杂槊则是其他外形独特、用法难以考证的类似“槊”的武器的统称。…yemiao103 (28)in hive-193186 • 4 years ago土库曼斯坦:把自己隐藏到极致,闷声不响过日子的中亚小国土库曼斯坦:把自己隐藏到极致,闷声不响过日子的中亚小国 中亚地区有很多带“斯坦”名字的国家,例如大家熟知的哈萨克斯坦、吉尔吉斯斯坦、乌兹别克斯坦,还有中国的好兄弟巴基斯坦等等,它们的地理位置基本上还都挨在一起。 除了这些以外,其实还有一个国家——土库曼斯坦,可能这个“斯坦”国很多小伙伴都没听说过,即使有听说过。也不一定说得出它的具体地理位置。…yemiao103 (28)in hive-196917 • 4 years ago감자는 싹이 트면 먹을 수 없다는 것을 누구나 알고 있지만 실제로는 먹을 수없는 채소도 몇 개 있습니다.야채를 규칙적으로 먹는 것은 사람들의 건강에 좋다. 육류로 인한 기름기의 균형을 잡을뿐만 아니라 장 연동을 촉진하고 신체에 필요한 비타민을 보충 할 수있는식이 섬유를 많이 함유하고있다. 그런데 많은 사람들이 집에 돌아와서 야채를 사서 오랫동안 쌓아 두 어서 야채가 싹을 틔웠다. 일부 야채는 발아 후에도 계속 먹을 수 없으며 그렇지 않으면 건강 문제가…yemiao103 (28)in betterlifevenezuelalife • 4 years agoNever imagined! Appropriate stimulation of the stomach can also enhance defensesMost people know about "nourishing the stomach", but they don't know that the stomach also needs proper "stimulation" to become stronger. Liu Qingchun, the former chief nutritionist , told the…yemiao103 (28)in cn • 4 years agoUnexpectedly, the secret to nourishing the whole body and staying away from stroke and cancer does not cost a penny!Many people tirelessly ask longevity old people for longevity, but they don’t know that there are ten best "longevity medicines" in the world that can help us be healthy, less sick, and live longer…resteemedminikay (72)in hive-193637 • 4 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.The Diary Game | Temporada 03 | MAR 03-2021 | Fabricando Collar de Mariposa🦋Buenas noches amigos como se encuentran el dia de hoy? Yo me encuentro muy bien gracias a Dios. El día de hoy amanecí de nuevo en casa de mi mejor amiga, ya era el segundo día que me quedaba en su…resteemedethansteem2020 (61)in hive-120412 • 4 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.Happiness comes from gratitude and contentment for existing life conditionsYou can't have nothing, and you can't have everything. Being grateful for everything you have now will make you rich in your heart and spirit. Life should be a process of getting better and better…resteemedhive-193637 (73)in hive-193637 • 4 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.Verificación de los Miembros de la "Comunidad Steem Venezuela" - Conociendonos Más!Hola queridos miembros de "Steem Venezuela" seguimos creciendo, como comunidad se siguen uniendo nuevos Venezolanos a esta hermosa "Comunidad Oficial Steem Venezuela" esto nos tiene muy contentos…resteemedanon2020 (60)in hive-120412 • 4 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.Can vitamin C supplementation prevent colds?In daily life, I often hear conversations like: "I seem to have a cold..." "Make up some vitamin C." The idea of supplementing vitamin C to prevent colds has been around for a long time, and the… (73)in hive-150232 • 4 years ago灰度管理资产规模继续升值消息面,灰度管理资产规模继续升值,目前达到379亿美元,继续以买入为主。泰达公司再次发4亿枚USDT,市场资金以流入为主。 由于机构客户的兴趣日益浓厚,全球最大的经纪商之一TP ICAP正在考虑扩大其加密货币业务。迄今为止,该公司的数字资产部门一直致力于通过为客户提供CME和Bakkt的加密衍生品的场外交易(OTC)流动性来促进机构交易。领导TP ICAP数字资产部门的Simon…yemiao103 (28)in hive-108451 • 4 years agoDog: I can't beat you in the front. can't I beat you back? Galley proofyemiao103 (28)in hive-193186 • 4 years ago消失的“溪流女王”,钓这种鱼曾是许多南方人的童年记忆在农村里,听过一句俗话叫“深山有奇鱼”,意为人迹罕至的山涧溪流里,可能没有大鱼藏身,但却往往生活着许多瑰丽多姿的神奇鱼种。 比如这种全身覆盖一层“银白铠甲”的苦花鱼...... 苦花鱼体型流线优美的梭型,乍一看有些像是常见的“麦穗鱼”,但苦花鱼鳞片细腻润泽、鱼头钝圆,体型更为奇丽优美。 它们对水质环境要求很高,因此常出没在南方的山林水脉中,其种群数量一度非常庞大。…yemiao103 (28)in hive-120412 • 4 years agoFinally, the editor left you a small question. Let's think about it. Remember to put the answer in the comment area!yemiao103 (28)in hive-120412 • 4 years agoTaking photos makes me happy is that it's a little troublesome.yemiao103 (28)in hive-120412 • 4 years agoIf you can hear me above, don't come in. it's full of slowness.yemiao103 (28)in the • 4 years agoThe Potala Palace.