BlogHide Resteemsyhyisj0914 (33)in cn • 7 years ago保险业+区块链技术:反欺诈效果立竿见影|The anti-fraud effect was immediate.谈及区块链在应用层面上的运用,目前,国内乃至海外市场上已落地推广的项目尚且为数不多。对于以“信用”为根基的金融保险业而言,与能够构建起一套新型信用体系的区块链技术有着天然的契合,也正因如此,保险业成为了最早探索区块链技术应用的行业之一。 When it comes to the application of blockchain in application layer, there are…yhyisj0914 (33)in cn • 7 years ago区块链发展的六个阶段|The six stages of block chain development.区块链是由一系列技术实现的全新去中心化经济组织模式,2009年诞生于比特币系统的构建,2017年成为全球经济热点,但区块链的成功应用寥寥,这个新兴产业还远未成熟。为方便理解区块链的历史与趋势,可将其发展划分为六个阶段。 Block chain is a series of new technology to realize decentralized economic…yhyisj0914 (33)in dlive • 7 years ago我像不像奶牛?|Am I like a cow?我像不像奶牛?|Am I like a cow? My video is at DLiveyhyisj0914 (33)in dlive • 7 years ago硬币做的金字塔,你见过吗?|Do the coin pyramid you met?硬币做的金字塔,你见过吗?|Do the coin pyramid you met? My video is at DLiveyhyisj0914 (33)in dlive • 7 years ago神奇的硬币,神奇的手|Magical coins, magical hands神奇的硬币,神奇的手|Magical coins, magical hands My video is at DLiveyhyisj0914 (33)in dlive • 7 years agoThe first person in the outdoor dance is coolThe first person in the outdoor dance is cool, and the sentiment is interpreted as a sad song "decent" My video is at DLiveyhyisj0914 (33)in dlive • 7 years agoQuick hand outdoor dance first personQuick hand outdoor dance first person, cool My video is at DLiveyhyisj0914 (33)in cn • 7 years ago说走就走的三亚之旅|Say a trip to Sanya身为喜欢旅行我为什么会选择这么一次旅行、在这里就给大家好好的介绍写的不好的地方希望网友驴友们给我一些建议勿喷第一次写游记没啥经验。当然同时我的第一次就给了广大的驴友们了你看我爱不爱你们第一次都给了你们了、好了不废话了现在开始我的海南三亚之旅吧! As a lover of travel, why would I choose such a trip, here I will give…yhyisj0914 (33)in travel • 7 years ago樱花、白雪、楼阁,美食,你想要的一切升龙道都有|Sakura, snow, pavilion, food, everything you want on Thang Long Road说起日本,马上想到的就是日本的樱花、雪景。冬季,不少人选择去选择去北海道。春季,赏樱则大多去了京都。作为资深的日本行达人,我最对推荐的还是升龙道!不仅有赏雪赏樱的仙境,更能尝遍日本最纯粹的世俗美食,最奇妙的是还可以“在樱花季看到雪景”哦! Speaking of Japan, Japan’s cherry blossoms and snow scene are immediately…yhyisj0914 (33)in travel • 7 years ago赏江南园林,品淮扬美食,走进属于的扬州慢生活|Enjoy Jiangnan Garden, Huaiyang food products, into the slow life belonging to Yangzhou写在前面: Write in front: 选择一个周末假期,自驾前往扬州,“扬州”因为深厚的文化底蕴与历史内涵,再加上那句“烟花三月下扬州”,给很多人心里都留下了很多美好的意象与向往。 Choose a weekend vacation, and go with the object to Yangzhou by car, "Yangzhou" because of its…yhyisj0914 (33)in travel • 7 years ago耶路撒冷:折叠的史书在忐忑中打开(二)|Jerusalem: The Folded History Book Opens in the Wailing (2)四、沧桑老街上的市井烟火 Fourth, the vicissitudes of life on the streets of fireworks 我们在沧桑的老城穿行,感觉像是翻阅一本活着的立体历史教科书。 耶路撒冷老城近似四边形,是大卫王所筑的城池的延续,但因战火频起,历经兴废,先后重修18次之多。 We walk in the vicissitudes of the old…yhyisj0914 (33)in travel • 7 years ago耶路撒冷:折叠的史书在忐忑中打开|Jerusalem: Folded history books open in grubs耶路撒冷是一部沉重的史书,那里的三千年文化及其打开的方式,至今影响着世界的“气候”。 Jerusalem is a heavy historical book where the three millennia of culture and the ways in which it opened have so far affected the "climate" of the…yhyisj0914 (33)in travel • 7 years ago上海影像——1933老场坊的前世今生|Shanghai Film Festival - 1933 the old workshop of past lives1933老场坊位于上海市虹口区沙泾路29号。这里原是老上海工部局宰牲场,而且是当时远东最大,且最现代化的宰 ,因该建筑于1933年竣工,故被称为1933老场坊。 1933 Old Square is located in Sha Jing Road, Hongkou District, Shanghai No. 29.It was originally the slaughterhouse…yhyisj0914 (33)in travel • 7 years ago美国西部: 炫彩的荒漠|American West: Colorful desert走过祖国的西部,大漠孤烟,长河落日,雪域雄鹰,草原骏马,是壮美河山的形象写照,也是人类精神的物化体现。现在,我把目光投射到地球上更多的“西部”。看过一些美国的“西部影片”,了解他们的“西进运动”,更期待直接感受那边的西部光影。而开阔的场景、粗犷的线条、变幻的光影、绚丽的色块,则是摄影爱好者们的盛宴。 Walking through the western part of the…yhyisj0914 (33)in travel • 7 years ago五日四夜,我重新认识了巴厘岛|Four days and nights, I re-recognized Bali行程单 itinerary D1 香港-巴厘岛 巴厘岛百丽宫度假式酒店 Hong Kong - Bali Bali Paragon Resort Hotel D2 巴厘岛 南湾-海龟岛-金巴兰海滩 巴厘岛百丽宫度假式酒店 Bali South Bay - Turtle Island - Jimbaran Beach Bali Paragon Resort Hotel…yhyisj0914 (33)in cn • 7 years ago为看海自驾去广西,细数那些不能错过的景色|To see the sea by car to Guangxi, breakdown of those can not miss the scenery在这个喧嚣的世界,人人都叫嚣着想要来一场说走就走的旅行,但真正能做到“说走就走”的又有几人?对我而言,每一次旅行都是一次挑战自我的机会。所以,不管是提前做攻略还是说走就走,我坚持在路上。 In this bustling world, everyone is clamoring for a trip that is going on and off, but how many people…yhyisj0914 (33)in cn • 7 years ago谈谈Steemit的“月旦评”|Talk about steemit's "monthly review"今天在Steemit中文社区看到“月旦评”活动,对“月旦评”这个名字有种莫名熟悉的感觉(暴露了自己孤陋寡闻),想来想去原来在电视剧《大军师司马懿之军师联盟》见过,果断查找一下月旦评的来由。 Today saw the "lunar month review" activity in the steemit Chinese community, a kind of inexplicable…yhyisj0914 (33)in cn • 7 years ago炒币干货大全(人手一份 必须收藏)|Speculation dry goods Daquan (a must-hand collection)区块链项目分类列表: Blockchain project classification list: 底层基础链: Ethereum、Qtum、Bitshaes、Waves、Aeternity、EOS、Tezos Bottom Foundation Chain: ethereum, qtum, bitshaes, waves, aeternity, eos, tezos…yhyisj0914 (33)in steemit • 7 years agoComplete understanding of steemit, steemit RaidersCurrently there is no online system for steem relatively systematic documentation, especially in Chinese.As a white, I integrated some of the information to be digested, put together here.Hope to be…yhyisj0914 (33)in cn • 7 years ago如何把 WrodPress 文章同步到 Steemit|How to sync wrodpress articles to steemit可能还有许多人不知道Steemit是一个什么平台,Steemit是以区块链为基础的社交媒体网络,凭借其独特的可以奖励贡献者的博客平台,Steemit网站每月来自世界各地的访问者达到了500W之多,现在更加厉害了。用咱们国人喜欢的宣传语就是:在Steemit发表文章,获得他人点赞既可获得奖励–钱。 There are probably many more who do not know…