Paygine is an open budgetary stage that is intended to work with its own restrictive managing an account structure and it is intended to serve FinTech and crypto-business needs in the regions of cash settlement, cryptographic money trade, and installment for "genuine" merchandise and ventures under white name arrangement.
The key upper hand of paygine over comparative tasks is that it can use off existing Best2Pay administrations and innovations which is at present utilized by FinTech organizations, web based business, and past.
The Paygine stage would offer the accompanying administrations by using Best2Pay existing innovation. These include:
Transferring digital money to/from a bank card;
Paying in shops and stores utilizing a card in digital money;
Accepting digital money as an installment for merchandise and enterprises at online stores;
Carrying out cross-outskirt exchanges of fiat monetary standards by methods for cryptographic money with insignificant expenses;
Maintaining wallets in both fiat monetary standards and digital currencies with the capacity to advantageously and rapidly change over assets between them.
The principle focal point of Paygine is to create answers for the money related segment. The Paygine stage would take into consideration the utilization of cryptographic forms of money in exchanges and installments that are normally done utilizing customary installment instruments. These incorporate the accompanying
exchanging digital currency to a physical card;
paying in shops and stores utilizing a card in digital currency;
tolerating digital currency as an installment for merchandise and ventures of online stores;
doing cross-outskirt exchanges of fiat monetary forms by methods for cryptographic money with insignificant expenses;
keeping up wallets in both fiat monetary forms and cryptographic forms of money with the capacity to helpfully and rapidly change over assets between them.
The paygine money related stage will make cryptographic money helpful and simple for any business to utilize and the Paygine monetary stage route approach to get this going.
One of the fundamental objective of Paygine is to construct an open budgetary stage to serve the FinTech organizations around the globe, in this manner giving administrations in view of the white mark standards. All administrations of the Paygine stage will be given to customers through brought together Application Programming Interface.
Paygine does not expect to build up an electronic wallet, a crypto-wallet, bank cards, exchanges under its own particular image. These items would be worked by the clients of paygine under their own particular brands, and private people and organizations will have the capacity to pick administrations from among Paygine's customers.
Paygine is making a framework that will build up their customer's organizations and not contend with them.
The advancement of the Paygine stage will involve a critical increment in exchanges, inside and between nations where the customers complete business. Likewise, an expanding number of organizations will start to make moves in cryptographic money. This will force expanded requests on the steadiness of the Paygine stage and the usage of continuous settlements inside it.
Trades assume a fundamental part in the cryptographic money economy by offering a commercial center for exchanging, liquidity, and value disclosure. In this manner, it is urgent for paygine to have the capacity to give trade administrations to their customers also, and to enable them to trade between various cryptographic forms of money and to and from fiat monetary standards. Paygine likewise plan to offer trade administrations at a client well disposed rate. Cash trade will dependably be popular, and the group anticipate an opening in that market given the high change rates and bank commissions that normally happen.
Token Description :
Token compose: utility token exchanged on a trade.
The PGC token will be the fundamental practical instrument on the Paygine stage and it can be bought through the ICO deal or on a trade following the ICO.
A limited number of tokens (151,750,000) will be created. There will be no extra tokens issued.
WEBSITE LINK : https://www.paygine.com/
WHITEPAPER LINK : https://www.paygine.com/assets/helpers/files/en.pdf
ANN THREAD LINK : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4147203
TWITTER LINK : https://twitter.com/paygine
FACEBOOK LINK : https://www.facebook.com/Paygine/
BCT USERNAME : deepali01
BCT PROFILE LINK : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1854548