To my mind a mother who doesn't go outside for any paid job is called a 24/7 house servant. And this is my logo now. actually we get pleasure in seeing 1.5/2 yr old baby doing various household activities that he learns from his us it's a matter of enjoyment but actually it's a try from the baby's side to help his mother. a small baby can understand that he should engage himself in doing household activities but many of us can not. exception is always there. everyone can not be same. but those mother suffering this problem are seriously unlucky. and i am one of them of course.
whatever u see in the pics is not that my baby is doing. it is all about some of those a mother does. but at the end a mother is denoted as what do you do whole day ?
so mummies, engage yourselves with earning money. if you have any idea of working from home please jump into that. you have to fight. if you leave your dream unattended someone else will grab that.
so best of luck to me and all of my soulmate mummies.