When is the time to talk about this

in a •  7 years ago 

Here I will be talking on the issue of gun violence in our society and how we can control it.

Every time there is a gun violence or a mass shooting in America, we all comes together to unite and show empathy, pouring out of emotions and we stand by the victims and their families. At that moment in time, we all comes together as one. But afterwards, we move on and the story disappear as if it never happened, until the next one.

Oftentimes, the second amended is being cited whenever the topics of gun control arises.( The right to bear arms). Absolutely, I believe that everyone should have a right to defend Him/her self . But when it comes to who should be allowed to bear arms, there is always division among us and it turns to a political debate and a talking point for both republican and democrats. This is not about republican or democrats, it's an American problem that need be solved.

I think in most cases, we can all agree to the right to bear arms. And if we are able to determine who should have that right,we will be making progress towards denying unstable and fragile minded people from having assess to guns. For instance if someone is mentally unstable, psychologically unbalance, going through traumas, exhibiting irrational behaviors,temperamental attitudes then, such person should not be allowed to exercise that right of owning a gun. Take another example from the military, both mentally and psychologically test are conducted before being assigned to war, why can't we do that in our civil society.

It is too often after many incidence, we now learn that the suspect had some mental or psychological issues. Enough of the talks and time to take positive actions on this issues .

Background checking is very important. This is always a delicate issue and has prompt up debates about why people should be giving a second chance in life.
If a citizen has been convicted or may have been released for a gun related crime or offense, that wouldn't mean he/she can no longer own a gun in the future but they have to undergo counseling and a get certified approval of their mental states & other emotional health issues if necessary before they can have access to a gun.

Lastly, the type of gun an individual should posses must also be determined. There should be some restriction on guns that are of high caliber such as automatic riffles, semi automatic riffles and the likes of them. Such riffles should not be in a civil society but rather in the hands of the police, military and other law enforcement agencies who are assigned with the duty of protecting us all. A civilian can defend him/her self against threat with a shotgun, magnum or other smaller type of guns.

My Take:
The fewer the guns in our society, the fewer the gun related deaths in our country.LVshootings.jpg

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