How I Regained My Youth, a Freewrite

in aa •  3 years ago 

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One might say that I am no spring chicken. I am no longer considered young by very many. I might even qualify as elderly by all governmental standards worldwide. And until about a week ago, I felt elderly even by my own.

I was exhausted all day, especially mid-afternoon. I would wake at night feeling nauseous. I had indigestion of the rather painful and runny kind. And I suspected, as we have been trained to do, that I had some dread, invisible, and possibly fatal disease. Isn't it funny where the mind goes?

But that has all changed. I made three small and easy changes to my lifestyle. I now sleep better, experience no nausea, and have the energy of a spring chicken.

What were those three changes?

First, I started eating better food. Organic, real, no fried food. No other restrictions. I eat fat and sugar whenever I feel like it.

Second, I started cooking said food. This meant far less sitting at the computer, tethered to nodes hundreds of miles away.

Third, I gave up my two shot martini before bed. I really think this was the piece of my strategy to improve my well-being that had the biggest impact.

Easy peasy.

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This is my entry to @mariannewest's daily freewrite challenge. Today's prompt is spring chicken.


image is mine, of my Lucy, who was no spring chicken when I took this shot.

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Good Healthy activities.

Add garlic to your cooking, or take it separately; and it will help your stomach digest food better! You made a lot of good changes! Sharing this....

The martini shots really hurt you. You won't be a spring chicken anymore.😄😄 I really liked your story, thanks for sharing it. Have a happy day.