in aaa •  8 years ago 

what is behind cerne , what are consequences , with wild playing a god ? are we all in danger ? many questions are coming every day .

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The experiments at CERN (not CERNE) can not unleash an earthquake. It is a partical accelerator designed to recreate the conditions right after the Big Bang so they can be studied. In 2012 they discovered the Higgs-Boson (aka the "God particle", although scientists don't like using this name). These partical accelerators are nothing new, there have been accelerators in the U.S. for years now. Educate yourself on quantum mechanics and you will see there is nothing really dangerous about it. If you really want to learn about CERN I can highly recommend this documentary.
A lot of doomsday theories have popped up around the LHC, but non of them are founded on scientific evidence.