If you like HORROR movies you are going to absolutely love this one.
The story follows a mother named Karen, who gives her son Andy a toy doll for his birthday, unaware of its sinister nature.
※ The following part is needed to put filled in and added to your text, as otherwise it will not be included later on phase II on Triple A.
※ 리뷰 하단에 다음 두가지 항목 포함 필수 (미포함 시 차후 자체사이트에 반영 안됨)
Movie URL: (Look at https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/533642-child-s-play)
Critic: (AAA)
영화 URL: (https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/533642-child-s-play)
별점: (AAA)