Ad Astra - Movie Review - Space Adventure Thriller

in aaa •  5 years ago 

Ad Astra is space science fiction movie starring Brad Pitt. I already had high hopes from this movie because of Brad Pitt. Not all of his movies are outstanding but most of them are great.


I have watched lots of Space related movies but this one was little different. Movie starts with events leading to ultimate catastrophe effecting whole Earth's electromagnetic communication.


Roy McBride is assigned on a mission to goto Mars and communicate with his father who is supposed to be the father of modern Space program. It is a top secret mission and I really enjoyed the screenplay throughout the movie.


When Roy somehow reaches Mars, he is not allowed to continue any further because of family relation but he violates protocol and proceed anyways.

On his way to Pluto, where his father is currently supposed to residing, his whole crew is killed accidentally. He reaches there all by himself and did meet up with his father. His father is found to be very stubborn guy and he still want to go beyond galaxy in search of new life forms.


They two had fight but somehow Roy manages to return back to earth. He did learn the great lesson during all this time that his father was trying to connect with other intelligent lifeforms but he neglected what he already had on earth with his family and friends. Roy decided to give more value to humans in his life.

I did not liked the ending but overall screenplay was good enough for you to watch it.


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The visuals were nice, but while focussing on them the makers forgot about the plot. There were so many bugs and logical errors that the film left just pain. How he managed to get inside the starting rocket was the worst. No, how he managed to get through that stone storm back to his ship. No, how it was not explained what created those burst. Just pure nonsense.