Revisiting the "Dark Night of the soul"

in aanxiety •  7 years ago  (edited)

I had heard about the Dark Night of the Soul in various places,
but I had also read about the universal laws. I knew at some level everything can be shifted or transmutted into something else because it was all energy. And we never really are disconnected from our higher guidance, it only feels that way.

The Law of Rythym "Everything flows, everything has its tides, all things rise and fall, a pendulum that swings to the right swings to the left in equal measure, what goes up must come down, rhythm compensates.’ The Kybalion

Each of us goes through phases along our journey. Sometimes our energy is high and light and feeling great and other times we feel isolated, in somewhat of a void or just plain crappy. Both are part of the journey. How we look at it, our perception of what is actually happening seems to be the difference. We have days where we are looking up information and reading and learning, then just as quickly we can be skeptical and questioning our own existence and sometimes our sanity. We can be out sharing our knowledge and growing, then even within a few hours retract into our space, sit, and choose to hide, alone.

I know this will sound cliche but being ok with every stage we are experiencing is what is being called for. We cannot deny anything any longer. Being honest with the feelings we are experiencing is the key to slowly dismantling them and coming through on the other side of them. The explanation I heard once that sticks in my head is that we think we are having a breakdown, but in reality, it is a break up in consciousness. A rest period, if you will.

I began to see these "down" phases as a processing period for the learning and growth I had just done. A sort of integration of new new energy due to the clearing of old patterns or beliefs. A mini death of the old self. I started saying "Oh! I see you, I recognize you for what you are, a chance for me to process what I have been through. A new level of understanding is coming." I started to see that the more I recognized that, as what I was going through, the shorter and shorter periods of time I would spend in the dark night.

After I come out of the down time the process begins again. I start learning more or going into more depth of the things I had been learning previously. There is of course no right or wrong way to experience your journey, it is of course yours. Only deeper levels of healing, understanding, personal expansion, and higher vibrations. And higher vibrations means access to more and more cosmic information.

Happy Learning!

Jennifer Moreau
I have been doing intuitive readings for a few years as well as one-on-one teaching and alternative perspective guidance. Studying Ascension and putting it into practice has given me a practical knowledge for others who choose to follow the path of higher growth. Energetic work has become a huge part of my journey since everything is energy. I use many different tools in my work from oracle cards to energy clearing and healing to soul activations and even the pendulum.

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