in abortion •  8 years ago  (edited)

80% PPH IN POOR .jpg

Wasn't planning on this today, but I guess it's time to get this off my heart.
When I was young, dumb and full of ... (rhymes with Dumb) and was and still am one of those fellows who detested "rubbers" so... I had six children. YAY! I'm a virile fertile male of God doing what God told me to do...sort of...
There was an occasion the woman I was with who was a wonderful person, but we didn't decide to stay together, and we both opted for an abortion. Being absolutely clueless about what that truly meant, especially me ... We went in on it and had it done.
I tried for years to not think about it! Years and years. And that was when I was still sound asleep watching Fox news believing every word the meat puppets uttered, and everything they showed me because back then I'd never even heard of GREEN SCREEN>
Time went by... and in 2002 I fell for a nice woman in MD who was a Doctor of Veterinary medicine. She was awesome too. We were in love! Until...She got pregnant. Then I was a real bastard, and she wanted an abortion post haste. Even though we were together and in love etc etc... I was not happy having still somehow regretted the last time I agreed to it.
She was totally against having the child, suffering from some kind of learned self loathing, and believing she could NEVER be a "mother"...and the child was better off dead.
Funny thing was, she would bring a cat home from work every other day, and would refuse to put down pregnant cats or terminate litters... Hmmm
The day we went I was extremely upset. I was calm but basically begging her to reconsider her decision and we could get married or what ever...but no, she was determined to NOT be a "mother".
She went inside and for an hour or more, I clutched a telephone pole crying and begging God to intervene on the childs behalf and make her change her mind. But later she exited the office, the doctor peeked out and gave me a THUMBS UP!?
It was over. It was really over. She sank into a deep dark depression like you would not believe. She packed her stuff and went home to New York and I never saw her again... Later I learned that had been her 6th abortion. And she was sick in her head and in her spirit from it. Probably never to recover.
Maybe she was right, and would have been a horrible mother... But they say we all sit on the other side picking and choosing the lessons we want to learn, and she didn't allow that plan..God's plan for that spirit.
Several years after that, I looked up my previous girl friend and apologized to her for even suggesting abortion as an option, and she said "that's alright" and I quickly said "No! It's not alright! and she agreed and thanked me for contacting her out of the blue to re-visit that decision we made together.
Much more recently I've learned what a evil despicable thing Planned Parenthood is... The people who created it, Margaret Sanger, A racist Nazi and darling of the KKK, and Bill Gates Father...Now you know where BIll gets it from with his flying syringes of baby killing vaccines... SICK!
I'm happy that we as a people, just like I as a person have turned that corner and realized that more likely than not, abortion is a satanic ritual of death and has 0 to do with a woman's reproductive health.
Some great new videos exposing them for what they are, and recently federally DEFENDED! SO Trump has washed his hands of the blood of at least THESE innocents.
But the Satanists will keep pushing and killing and child trafficking etc until God finally puts things back the way they are supposed to be again.
That day is for the innocent.6b41aa2b5ec0c872386578fb9ab7255a.jpgabortionmolech.jpgCO PP side v3.jpgAll-Livers-Matter-Planned-Parenthood.jpg

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What a heavy burden to carry as a father. I'm glad you shared your story and let your pain out into the light. What matters most is that your love and understanding has grown from these experiences, and now you can nudge others who are still lost in a better direction.

Well dear one... daughter of mine, YOU were the inspiration for the courage it took to let it all hang out like that...So thank yourself. You awesome and I love you. I sent Jordan all I could find on his being in Cobb. He has a in, an out and in between...but he doesn't have a single paper that is notarized with the Sheriffs signature that states he was there from then to then. He may have to get it when you pass thru Cobb on the way to Franklin. But J may be OK with what he has...otherwise he should call and have it waiting there.! Love to you all and esp my munchkin!~

I love you too. 😘 I'm glad I was able to help you open up. I have a lot more vulnerability to release on this new blogging platform, and I'd love to see more from you too. :) I'm also going to be posting more pictures of that little munchkin on here!

And thank you for sending J everything you have, and for paying him! You're a huge help.