RE: Abortion and the Libertarian Conscience

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Abortion and the Libertarian Conscience

in abortion •  7 years ago  (edited)

To you and everyone else on this thread who likes to morally grand-stand and virtue-signal about how you think abortion is categorical "murder"--how many orphans have YOU adopted? How have YOU proven to do your small part by being the change you wish to see? Because if your answer is ZERO, then your commentary here is hollow. What's the point of talking about it if YOU, MOST OF ALL, are doing NOTHING about it?

I'm a real libertarian. This means I'm 100% pro-choice on EVERYTHING. ALL my freedoms, ALL the time (thanks, Aaron WAS catchy). A zygote is NOT a full-fledged human being. I'll indulge Ron Paul's very fair point when he asks, "If it's a baby just seconds after birth, is it not also a baby seconds before?" by responding equally philosophically fairly, "If it's not a full-fledged human right before conception, it certainly isn't right after, either." Incidentally, although Ron Paul and I have this one disagreement, at least the good doctor had the extensive good sense, while serving as OB/GYN, to prescribe the Plan B, "Morning After" pill!

Do us a favor and restore the old slogan the Libertarian Party USED to have, "The Party of Principle". Stop trying to "fix" what isn't broken. Run for office instead of crying about the generally meaningless and obviously pliable LP platform. It's actually fine just as it is. I can stomach the current line. Instead, show us how YOU run a race. That IS why you're in the Party, right? Or is it just to socialize and count how many angels we can fit on the head of a pin (thanks again, Russo)? And if you're NOT leading by "moral" example on abortion, then aren't you asking that these kids go, by default, to government custody? You want the STATE involved?

Until we've withdrawn ALL "our" troops from the genocide they commit against fully-fledged, once-living human beings when they invade, pillage and occupy foreign countries who "we" have NO ethical right to torment and terrorize--war IS the ultimate act of terrorism--ALL our "pro-life" talk is small hypocritical potatoes. Until I see churches and synagogues and all other houses of worship agitating loudly and relentlessly for an end to empire and the mindless evil of military worship, all this "morality" talk is filling in for some other shortcomings.

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Is that your best defense? That because I point out that you don't adopt, you can't have an opinion? Of COURSE you can have an opinion! But MY point is to point out how hypocritical and EMPTY it actually is! You're not trying to be the solution you wish to see! You just want to virtue-signal! And virtue-signaling is for complete fucking losers.