Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi leader of ISIS, believed dead in US raid in Syria with footage from President Trump "Last night the United States brought the World's No. 1 Terrorist to Justice!"

in abubaralbahdadi •  5 years ago  (edited)

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Here is a link to the Livestream where President Trump gives the announcement,

Brought this in where he comes in to speaking at about 7:34

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"This was an outcome created by us, the United States," said President Trump in a video which can be found on the Newsweek link below!

*"Achieving a much more peaceful and stable area!"

It was support be an in and out, but there for 30 days, but stayed for almost 10 years.

A small number of US troops will remain in the area.

He also stated, "Let someone else fight over this long, blood stained sand!"

A Big Thank you to Edward Miller who sent me this link from Townhall titled,

BREAKING: ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi Believed to Have Been Killed, According to Report

Which states via Newsweek,

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Townhall states,

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi has been the leader of ISIS since June 2014. In that year, ISIS declared itself a worldwide caliphate and claimed authority over the Muslim world, and an international coalition led by the United States targeted ISIS in Iraq and Syria. Russia intervened in Syria against ISIS the following year. In December 2017, it was reported that ISIS had lost 98 percent of the territories it once held.

But the withdraw of U.S. troops from Syria this month led to the release of several captured ISIS fighters. When Turkey took advantage of the opportunity and invaded northern Syria, Kurdish soldiers who were guarding the ISIS prisoners left their post in the ensuing fighting. At least 100 ISIS fighters broke out of a Syrian detention facility after the facility came under attack from followers of al-Baghdadi.

Following the invasion, the Trump administration imposed sanctions on Turkey, forcing a permanent ceasefire between Turkey and Kurdish forces. The sanctions have since been lifted.

The U.S. also announced on Friday that three ISIS fighters were killed in a U.S. airstrike in the Golis Mountains of northern Somalia.

ABC reports,

A woman who says she's his former wife, is now behind bars.

Lebanese officials told ABC News, that she and at least one child were caught trying to sneak into Lebanon with Fake I.D's.

This believed to be a photo of her from night vision,

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Baghdadi believed to have several wives, this one caught said to have been done so by help from Foreign Intelligence agencies.

Baghdadi last seen in July in Iran preaching "Holy War" in a mosque.

After they thought he was dead in an airstrike in 2017, he resurfaced calling for Volcanoes of Jihad.

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Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of the Islamic State last seen alive in a video in April, was targeted in a strike by U.S. Special Operations Forces in Syria on Saturday, according to three U.S. officials.

The ISIS leader is believed to be dead, those officials told ABC News.

One official told ABC News al-Baghdadi is believed to have detonated a suicide vest he was wearing as a U.S. special mission unit carried out a ground raid in Idlib. The building containing al-Baghdadi was leveled by U.S. operators, the official said.

U.S. officials said they're awaiting final confirmation of his death through fingerprinting or other biometric methods.

The White House declined to comment, saying the president was planning to deliver remarks at 9 a.m. EDT Sunday. No details were provided on what would be included in President Donald Trump's remarks.

The Pentagon didn't immediately respond to a request for comment.

The video in which al-Baghdadi appeared earlier this year, only his second, showed him discussing losing the group's Baghouz stronghold as well as praising deadly attacks in Sri Lanka.

More than 250 people died because of those eight coordinated attacks, which al-Baghdadi claimed were retribution for ISIS being forced from Baghouz. It was the terror group's deadliest mission.

There had been a $25 million U.S. bounty on the head of al-Baghdadi, who, in his only previous video, recorded in a Mosul mosque in 2014, called himself "Caliph," or leader of all Muslims.

Rumors had swirled since at least 2014 that al-Baghdadi had been wounded, or possibly even killed, but he'd often quash those himself by releasing audio recordings.

According to Conservative Treehouse,

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They also state,

So yeah, you would have to be blind not to see that Senator McCain was part of the ideological team compromised of Hillary Clinton, Samantha Power, Susan Rice and President Obama. This team not only destroyed Libya, they ushered in the Islamic State (ISIS).

McCain is part of the team and also part of the problem.

This is why Qatar spends money to support John McCain, and also why McCain hired Elizabeth O’Bagy.

Find This article from Sept. 2013 in sources below.

You’re Not Going To Believe This One – Senator McCain Hires, Elizabeth O’Bagy, The Syrian Rebel Advocate Who Fabricated Her Background and Credentials

Arizona Republican Sen. John McCain hired the Syria analyst in favor of U.S. intervention who was fired for fabricating her Ph.D., Foreign Policy reported.

Elizabeth O’Bagy, formerly of the Institute for the Study of War (ISW), will start Monday as a legislative assistant in Sen. McCain’s office.

McCain told Foreign Policy that “Elizabeth is a talented researcher, and I have been very impressed by her knowledge and analysis in multiple briefings over the last year.” The senator’s office said they would not make any further comment on O’Bagy’s employment.

O’Bagy worked as a senior analyst at the non-profit public policy organization, which analyzes military affairs. McCain and Secretary of State John Kerry catapulted O’Bagy into the spotlight by referencing an op-ed she published in the Wall Street Journal while making the case for war.

McCain even refered to the analyst as “Dr. Elizabeth O’Bagy.” O’Bagy argued moderate Syrian rebels will be able to keep U.S. arms out of the hands of Islamist fighters.

Once O’Bagy became a leading voice for U.S. intervention, it was revealed that she never received a PhD from Georgetown University. It was later reported that not only was O’Bagy not awarded a final degree, she never even enrolled in the Georgetown program she had claimed.

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Sources and connecting articles,






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