Help me flag @iamgrootbot !!!

in abuse •  8 years ago 

So, this is new, some new bot posting​ the same message all over the blockchain. I think we should take action, what do you think?

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I'm not going to flag groot!

I am Groot!
We all have a Groot in us!

I'm going to promote Groot for the betterment of all Man and Tree kind.

Post promoted to get the communities consensus on 'I am Groot'

Following @henry-gant :) :)

Following @kayleigh-alesta.
See, Groot has brought two Steemians together!

Thank you, Groot!

I am Groot :D

Yaaay! I was hoping to see Grootbot ironically commenting in the post calling for it's removal!

Toorg ma I!

Yes @henry-gant .....Thank You @iamgrootbot :) :) Kayleigh

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment

Well said, Groot . . . well said.

Upvoted and followed.

I like @iamgrootbot and @ionlysaymeep ..they make me smile:) sometimes it's just the little things :) I realize everybody is entitled to their opinion...I think though if you make it understood that you would not like them to comment on your post...that they probably will not. ...and those that get a smile from them will upvote and or follow. I think flagging would hurt the community in general...but that's just my 2 cents :) :) I hope everybody has a fantastic day!! Kayleigh

@ionlysaymeep is original and one of the simplest and funniest things on Steemit

Ahhh, thank you for reminding me that everybody is entitled to their opinion. I will make use of this! ;)

I like Groot!

Moooooom!!!! Can we keep hiiim pleaaaseee?!??!?!

Are you sure, honey?

Yeeeesss! Promise to squish him if he misbehaves! :D

Moral of the story : Love ya buddy so don't go disappointing on us now. With great power comes great responsibility, right?

Keep Calm
We are GrooT!

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment

Is Groot Making Problems On steemit ? How ?
I Would Flag It If I See Something Negative About It But All I See Is Positive Feedback 0.o

There's worse things to worry about than someone having a little fun. Anyone who didn't like a bot can flag it. It's up to the community to decide what we want

Haha let's just be happy :P I think it can be annoying, and seen as spam depending on how you look at it. It's obviously understandable to think many people will get annoyed..

I for one, decided to make it a fun thing when he posted 'I am Groot' on my latest post, and decided to reply saying the same thing :P

Unlike @ionlysaymeep, this idea actually makes sense if you think about it haha.. Groot literally only says those three words in 'Guardians Of The Galaxy', and everyone knows Groot lol!

Just my opinion, but I have decided to rather look at the fun :) He isn't doing that much harm.. I don't see him really spamming as such.. But I will think differently if he literally starts to bombard people..

Cheers! :)

Heh, I responded to him with the fourth word he says, near the end of the first movie: "We are Groot!" :)

I agree, don't think torches and pitchforks is what's needed, at this stage.

Haha that's hilarious :D Yeah lol, let's just have a good time :)

That is 5 words.

What is so harmful about someone who wants to post "I am Groot".

What if it is really Vin Diesel having some fun?
What if it really is Groot? Then what do we expect Groot to say?

I think that @ionlysaymeep should chime in on this one.

I just don't see it adds value.

Personally I think It's spam when there are bots repeatedly post some shit comments for the same post again and again.
Some bots post irrelevant comments for some meaningful posts. We should flag those bots instead!

I don't think that it is a bot, Just someone with an interesting sense of humor and a smile.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

good point with value. If i post something i always ask me the question before:

"So what? Is that valuable for my receiver or others? What impact would have that on him or her or us?"

I's human nature to fall into the trap to post something just for own enjoyment and forget that is maybe annoying for the receiver. If you put a bot on steemit only for the purpose to post senseless text snippets to random people then i say it's pure spamming and should be removed from the community as fast as possible.

animation from

Look, if someday 10 such bots starting to post senseless junk or repeatedly from one bot to the community it would be more than boring for us, it steals our time and withholds us to read valuable comments if you think that the creator of the script done that in 1 hour and now the bot steals 10s each day each receiver without any value (just the first laugh).

What is the intention of the person behind the bot? Would he like to show his programming skills or makes us more happy? That would be great but then the posts should fit in the context of the authors post and should in best case contain some value for the reader or take the topic further. Or he decide create his own blog and show something without bothering random people like in a lottery game.

When that's just the rare case and don't affects many people in a negative manner i would just ignore it. And maybe it brings in some value if somebody needs some energy or encouragement by a tiny little thing with a smile :)

jajaa que animacion

I see that it adds joy . . . and touches the human heart.
I find that to be of great value.

Didn't touch mine, I must be a bad person :)

Your reply shows that you must be a good person @rossenpavlov.
Upvoted and followed.

I don't think that really hurts people. I had a smile when i saw "I am Groot".
Don't you agree???

Why are you draining the rewards like this? It is​ not fair to the others you know? And I think​ it hurts people.

Agreed lol. Totally draining the rewards :D Copy/pasting same comment like 20+ times.. He got an 8 cent vote on each one from promoted though. What's up with that?

I do agree
I find the picture cute <3

Sure, but next time it could be a picture of some genitals. Enjoy it while it lasts.

Meh. As long as the NSFW tag is used, don't care.

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment


I think that a little playful humor such as @Iamgroot is healthy and shows an appreciation for the lighter side of life.

Sure, but don't use it as a scapegoat to steal from the rewards pool.

How does he steal from the rewards pool though? Just curious :)

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

By pointlessly allocating portions of the rewards pool to an account that doesn't do anything except spam the same one-liner. There are tons of better things to allocate the rewards pool to.

It's all fun and games, just don't have it as a facade to leech, you know?

Yeah I completely understand what you're saying.

The only thing is, is he really leeching? Isn't it only affecting the rewards pool from the rewards his engagements get? In that case, he isn't getting much :P You know what I mean?

If I am wrong, you're welcome to justify what I am thinking. I am just thinking logically about the rewards right now. If you ask me, I would rather be worrying about whale's giving $50+ votes on a single-word comment.. Because I definitely cannot see how that can be fair in the rewards pool :D

Let me know your opinion of what I have said. I am intrigued to know if I am on the right track, or possibly missing something :)

Talk soon.

Is he really leeching? Yes, he is definitely leeching. View the voting. It's primarily from himself . . . for contributing pretty much nothing whatsoever. That's textbook leeching

He may not be getting "much," but he's getting a portion of a finite amount for nothing when the rewards pool is to there to reward contribution, which I see posting the same sentence repeatedly and then upvoting it yourself as absolutely meaningless and a ploy to leech from the rewards pool. So I flag it as others should and will as well.

When whales do that, they typically get called out. And when other large stake holders see that, they sometimes flag it. I know I have. When I flag things, I also like to explain why.

My point is, it's important to reward meaningful contributions and community building, not unmanned bots that post the same sentence over and over that also get upvoted by themselves. That's just plain stupid in my eyes and is only going down to leech some of the rewards pool :-/.

And your response is to downvote comments that don't agree with your views

Your freedom of speech is to say "I disagree" as is others.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

My response is to flag spam that drains the rewards pool. It's a stupid bot that upvotes itself for doing quite literally nothing.

Welcome to the real world.

What's up with @ionlysaymeep?
What's the matter, really?

If people don't like it, they will stop vote on it. It takes cares of itself. I don't think this it is an abuse as long as he doesn't post 100 times a day, comments are fine. Just ignore it.

You might want to flag @pikachuu instead, that would make more sense.

At least he doesn't say: follow groot, upvote groot so he doesn't do anything harmful

Agreed. That's exactly it.

Sadly, that would have more substance than saying the same meaningless sentence repeatedly that has been self-upvoted by the bot. The point stands that the bot is stupid and detrimental to the platform and will continue to be flagged.

Don't you see how cute that little thing is? The Real problem will be when that little cutie, smily, adorable thing turns into a big Tree!

Maybe it will continue to self-upvote itself for no reason into a tree? Or maybe it will continue to do this and get itself cut down?

You are right....👍👍

iam groot

Yeah, it's annoying. But I tend to use flagging for offensive posts rather than annoying ones. Stuff like "white nationalist" garbage I've seen getting posted.

I don't know @rossenpavlov... I don't really see the @iamgrootbot as being particularly harmful; a bit silly? Sure, yes. Does it add value? It adds a few smiles and a little lightness in an otherwise serious world.

We have more serious issues... like @pikachuu and people setting up botnets to post and vote for their own garbage comments. Now THAT... is something we need to deal with-- flag the heck out of, or rewrite the code to somehow make impossible.

The harm comes in the self-upvoting of content that is absolutely pointless. The rewards pool is finite, meaning that it is not infinite. Stealing from that steals from the community. Flagging returns ill-gotten gains to the rewards pool for more appropriate distribution.

I agree @matt-a... mostly my point here was that things like Groot and "I only say meep" are just "quirky and weird," while an army of copied "Nice Post, please upvote and follow me, here's my latest post" comments are what really needs to be buried.

Meep doesn't upvote itself, while Groot does. If Groot doesn't upvote itself, there's no problem, but since it does, it's a problem :-/.

Good point.

oh come on! they're all harmless!
Why flagging? Don't they make you smile?

they make me smile, and I can see here in comments, community in general thinks the same. Nobody makes you answer them. If you don't smile when you read their comments - it's just not your thing.
Don't be a Grumpy Cat

Guys, you should make the "Unsmiley Users List" and don't chat with them =)


I think another side effect of the last hardfork beyond more self voting is that there is also less flagging.

How do you propose to take action on this type of network? Isn't the natural downfall of these types of networks is that they are seriously susceptible to spam which nothing can be done about?

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

If the user gets enough downvotes, his comments and articles will be automatically hidden.

That's what flags are for.

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment

I don't know about you, but since it only sends to any person once, and it's supposed to be 'fun' (even if it's not for most people)...

I think it'll be a waste to flag it since even flagging costs voting power....

I always think it's better to reward good content than punishing the bad one, unless it's going too far.... and as far I've seen this bot? it hasn't gone that far yet... there are many scammers deserve flagging more than this bot.

Groot is steems Hodor!!!

Seriously????!!!!! I think he's adorable! And as Groot what else could he say?

Thanks for giving me the opportunity to flag a ton of dumb shit that needed to be flagged.

So many flags in this post it could be a country now.

Upped. Keep fighting the good fight, man!

I disagree...if and only if it truly sticks to "character" 95% of the time.

Would you do this to @ionlysaymeep? I love me a good Meep! And I am said that @iamgroot has not come to visit me.

I might need to start a "have some fun" one...


Haha, look at this little groot go!

I agree it is the best for us and all.

Hello, nice bot is great animation for steemians boys

It is cute.

upvote & follow @lovelynoja

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment