Are You Ready to Repair or Replace Your AC? When is the Best Time?

in ac •  7 years ago  (edited)

It can often be difficult to know when it’s best to repair something or when it’s best to replace it. And your AC is no different. Buying a new AC system isn’t cheap, but continually paying out for parts and repairs also isn’t cheap, so how do you know when the best time is to cut your losses and buy a new AC replacement?
There are a few factors that you should consider when you are trying to decide whether to go for an AC repair or replacement. Often people think that they need to buy a new AC system, when a repair can actually be much more cost effective. Likewise, you might have some damage which would be expensive and not worth spending a lot of money repairing if it is unlikely to last.

Age of your AC System

One thing to think about is the age of your AC system. Generally, an air conditioner has a lifespan of about 10-15 years, so of you are having an increasing number of problems and your AC is heading towards the end of its life, you should probably think about replacing it. If, however, it is still comparatively young, you should think about repairing it – or checking what is covered in its warranty.
Most AC repair experts use a formula to advise on whether it is worth replacing or repairing a unit if there is a specific problem. If the cost of a new unit is less than the age of your AC unit multiplied by the cost of its repair, then it is advised that you replace it. And likewise, if the cost of a new unit is more than the age of your old one multiplied by the repair cost, experts recommend that you go for the repair.

Energy Efficiency

Another sign that it might be time to replace your AC is that if your energy bills are going up unexpectedly. This probably means that your system is becoming less and less efficient and time to start thinking about having it looked at by an AC technician or replacing it.


Older AC use the R-22 refrigerant still . This has recently been phased out in favour of the (arguably) more environmentally friendly R-410a. Whilst you are still legally allowed to use the R-22, it is increasingly difficult to find and buy. And like anything that is difficult to find, the prices keep on going up, so it can become increasingly expensive to top up your refrigerant.
As with the formula above, if it gets to the stage that continually topping up your refrigerant is getting more expensive than buying a new unit, then it is definitely time to think about buying a new and up to date AC system.
Deciding when replace or whether to repair your AC can be a difficult decision. Of course, over time, all of the parts of an AC system can be repaired or replaced, but this can often be more expensive than replacing the whole system at once. By using the simple formula above, you can get a good idea of when it is time to cut your losses and replace your system.

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