South Asian immigrant small population

in academica •  4 years ago 

Before 1945 the South Asian immigrant population was small. After world war two the immigration increased substantially. The Indian students came to study different science courses in the United States. These students undertook studies in science, medicine, business and engineering and they became the core node of immigration network (Brown et al, 26). These students who came to the United States formed a basis for the immigration network that led to increasing Indian populations in the United States. Since 1970, Indians make top ten communities that migrate to the United States. The Indians immigrates to the United States in such employment and a better life. The study has shown that since 1970 Indian immigrants have increased by steadily up to date. Thus migration from end accelerated well between 1965 and 1990. The elimination of national-origin quotas led to introduction skilled worker visas. By 2016, Indians topped the receipts of the United States H-1B temporary visas and also the second largest international students in the country today come consist of Indians (Brown et al, 35). The Indians in the United States majority are young, highly literate and works in STEM (Science, technology, engineering, and Math) fields. Thus empire theory explains the reason for immigration of the Indian community to the States. India has borrowed the western technology and has invested heavily in it, thus has created low wages and payment in these fields. Thus, they top brains are living the country to go and work abroad. Also, the core countries introduced their political, military, economic, and cultural systems that only benefit the core countries (Brown et al, 40). For instance, Indians engineers and medics left their country to offer their services to the United States while their country has underdeveloped infrastructure and treatment facilities.

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Mexican Migration since 1945
In the 1940s during the wartime, the American workforce was absorbed by the wartime industries. This led the US the policies towards Mexican government change. Thus the government of the United States and Mexico created the policy called braceros (Angelucci, 225). The program was created to by the United States to address the labor market in the economy. The braceros (laborer) were paid low wages and worked on hardship conditions the American market workforce was not willing to accept. The Braceros were treated badly in some states even the Mexican Government decided not send more laborers to Texas. The program continued to exist until 1964. The braceros worked for the use farmers. Under this program, it is estimated more than 5 million Mexican can to the United States and the substantial number of these Mexican-migrants stayed ((Angelucci, 227). At the same period, the USA started the deportation campaign on a larger scale. The deportation led to the deportation of the substantial number of Mexicans to Mexico. After that have been increasing numbers of undocumented immigrants from the Mexican communities to the United States. Using the empire theory and cultural imperialism concept can explain the major cause of migrations. The Mexicans migrated to the United States in search of employment opportunities, better education, and better healthcare. Thus, the United States was interested in low wage laborers from Mexico, thus; exploiting labor from Mexican immigrants.

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Comparison and Contrast between the migration of South Asian and Mexican
Both South Asian and Mexican communities migrated in search of a better education to the United States. Due to political instability and economic instability among the host countries of these communities led to some individuals migrate to search better education system. The core countries imposed these countries with their education systems, but the host countries did not have enough experiences to manage these systems. For instance, Indians come to undertake scientific studies such as medicine, engineering, and technology. Also, the South Asian and Mexican migrated in such of employment opportunities. The Mexican communities migrated under the braceros’ program. The braceros program was an initiative between America and Mexico governments that allowed Mexican to come under work in the United States. The Mexicans offered cheap labor which suited the American farmers as well they were willing to work under hardship programs whereas, also Indians came in search of employment. Therefore, both communities migrated to the United States in search of good opportunities and better life due to their countries perpetual state of underdevelopment (Gonzalez, 12).
The South Asian community immigrants were allowed on the basis that they can offer skilled labor. The Indians those who entered to migrate to the United States must have skills and techniques of skilled labor. Whereas, the Mexican immigrants offered unskilled labor and allowed since they could offer cheap labor. Thus, the contrast is that the Asian offered skilled labor while the Mexican offered unskilled labor. For instance, The Indians in the United States majority are young, highly literate and works in STEM (Science, technology, engineering, and Math) fields while Mexican immigrants’ majority works casual labor force (Tindall, 2016). Majority of the Indians immigrants came to undertake studies while majority of Mexican community came for employment reasons.
Works Cited
Angelucci, Manuela. “Migration and financial constraints: Evidence from Mexico.” Review of Economics and Statistics97.1 (2015): 224–228.
Brown, Judith M., and Rosemary Foot, eds. Migration: the Asian experience. Springer, 2016.
Gonzalez, Gilbert G. Guest workers or colonized labor?: Mexican labor migration to the United States. Routledge, 2015.
Tindall, George Brown, and David E. Shi. America: A narrative history. WW Norton & Company, 2016.

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