01/13/2018; XVIII - The Moon

in acardaday •  7 years ago 


XVIII - The Moon

It seems as if you or someone around you is putting on a mask or a facade this may be in regards to your personal life and is affecting how the world sees or reacts to you. 

You may be telling people who care about you that you are alright even though the world is eating you alive inside, and making you want to scream.

It is time to take off the mask and let those close to you see who you really are inside. Let them see your vulnerabilities and allow for them to help you if help is offered. You don't need to stand alone today.


1) I am authentic.
2) I am forthright with my thoughts and emotions.
3) I am ready to be me.

This has been a 1 card reading from #ShadowscapesTarot. - Lady Reijya.

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The moon card is so complex. I am still trying to understand it.

One day, all will be understood. 😸