A Card A Day; 05/03/2018;

in acardaday β€’Β  6 years agoΒ 





Ten of Wands

Beware of taking on the burdens of others and taking on too many things all at once. Weigh in on each thought, worry and task you need done and make sure that this is something that does concern you before taking it on. Do you have room for the time that this takes in your current daily schedule? Do you have the patience for the needs of the person you are helping? Is there someone else who is able to take on this task who may be more qualified? Make certain of everything before acting and adding another burden to carry. It may just be the one burden to break your back.

Seven of Cups


You have too many options and too many forks in road. So much all of the tasks involved become daunting to perform. Narrow it down to just one task at a time and take it day by day, task by task. Prioritize the task with the closest deadline and drop irrelevant tasks for a more relevant time. Priorities are everything today.


  1. I have all of my priorities in order.
  2. I prioritize my tasks and burdens to make sure all are dealt with positively.
  3. I am successful in all that I pursue.
  4. I am content in the path I choose.
  5. All of the burdens I choose to bear are my burdens and I am souly responsible for them.
    6)I am grateful for all that I am.

This has been another reading from #theshadowscapestarot. ~Lady Reijya


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