At some point we discover the intensity of our vulnerability

in acceleration •  8 years ago 

At some point we discover the intensity of our vulnerability, it doesn't take a major accident. or a serious problem, just a passing conversation on lunch or walk the word lightly received us, and all the love and Goodwill, just things like that is enough to discover this fragile, sudden Know that everything is not fine, and see our eyes all those scars in our selves, we let her eldest, the crying, the very life's acceleration and cry jalal.. We don't need to cry, but we need everyone who believes We cry, so despite everything, despite discovering vulnerabilities, despite intermittent crying which flow from our eyes without being able to resist in solitude or in the bus, but self-comforting tears doesn't bring her her unit, we are and remembering Pure presence of our loved ones get that unit, their presence is certain that there is a second coming, no matter how far her time, a moment where we can cry like never before, for thy cry all our cry, deferred, who left us and who we leave them. And to those who wronged us. and on those who wronged them, on who failed on us and of our mansion with them, on the right from wrong without them knowing? and who trespass against us. with all the integrity of the faith, tnạfrt with them our paths and tnạfrt Thy paths with us, we can cry on all this and ask for forgiveness for the sins of those who love the rarest moment, it will just heal the soul, self-unity is possible only after crying at the breast, lover her moment, and then just a trap. We'll laugh Laugh like never before....

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