February 22, 2018: Accepting

in accepting •  7 years ago 

Epictetus, Enchiridion, 8: "Don't seek for everything to happen as you wish it would, but rather wish that everything happens as it actually will-then your life will flow well."

Another famous saying is 'Everything happens for a reason', and I know this statement can be very painful to someone who has lost a loved one, or had a tragic event happen to them. With this quote I'm not saying that everything happens for a reason, but I am saying that you have to react to everything that happens.

You are never going to get everything you want, so if you anticipate that you will not, you will be better adapted to reacting to these bad events. I'm not saying to accept the event, you can cry, you can be sad, but you must react positively, thats what your loved one would want. Thats what will keep you stoic during these times and be able to get through and be a positive force to others that may not have developed stoic philosophy.

Today start with small stuff, like increased traffic, or a decision that does not go your way, and build up to bigger things in life so that you can handle anything that comes your way!

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