Accesstive is a groundbreaking TYPO3 extension aimed at improving website accessibility, ensuring adherence to standards like WCAG and ADA. By joining the Accesstive Beta Program, you gain early access to its features and the opportunity to provide valuable feedback for its enhancement.
Key Features of Accesstive:
Accesstive Audits: Delivers immediate insights into accessibility within both the TYPO3 backend and frontend, aiding editors and developers in detecting and addressing issues.
Accesstive Monitor: A TYPO3 backend module that creates detailed accessibility reports, automatically tracking and monitoring your website's compliance to maintain standards.
Benefits of Joining the Beta Program:
Exclusive Discount at Launch: As a beta tester, you'll receive a special discount when Accesstive officially launches.
Early Hands-On Experience: Gain access to Accesstive's innovative features before they become publicly available.
Priority Access to Future Enhancements: Beta participants typically receive early access to new updates and features, keeping you ahead with the latest tools.
How to Participate?
Visit the Accesstive Page: Navigate to the official Accesstive page on the T3Planet website.
Complete the Beta Program Application: Provide your details, including your TYPO3 experience and interest in accessibility.
Application Review: The Accesstive team will assess your submission.
Approval and Access: Once approved, you'll receive instructions on downloading and installing the beta version, along with all necessary resources.
Who Can Join?
The Accesstive Beta Program is open to all TYPO3 enthusiasts keen on enhancing website accessibility.
By participating in the Accesstive Beta Program, you position yourself at the forefront of TYPO3 accessibility developments, contributing to the creation of a tool that fosters inclusivity and compliance.