Oil Well Blast in Ranto Peureulak Has Raised 18 Lives, 41 Still Still Treated

in accident •  7 years ago 

The traditional oil well in Gampong Pasir Putih, Ranto Peureulak sub-district, East Aceh district, exploded and blew fire high enough on Wednesday (25/4/2018) at around 01.30 WIB.

Dozens of residents were reported dead, 41 injured, and at least five houses were burned.

Based on data obtained from Serambinews.com Disaster Management Agency of Aceh (BPBA), until this news was revealed at 20.00 pm, the accident has claimed the lives of 18 people.


In addition to the death toll, currently recorded 41 residents who suffered injuries treated in three hospitals.

A total of 18 residents were treated at Zubir Mahmud-Idi Rayeuk Hospital, 19 residents were treated at Sultan Abdul Aziz Hospital, Peureulak, East Aceh, and the remaining five people at Graha Bunda Hospital, Idi Rayeuk.

Here is the complete identity of the 18 victims who died from the explosion of the oil well:

  1. Nazarullah (30 years), a resident of Gampong Pasi Puteh

  2. Afrizal (35), resident Gampong Punti Payong

  3. Era bin M Siddiq (32), a resident of Gampong Pasi Puteh

  4. Siti Hafizah (70), a resident of Gampong Pasi Puteh

  5. Mak Wen (55), a resident of Gampong Bhom Lama

  6. Nini bin Abdul Wahab (32), Gampong Bhom Lama

  7. Riska Ardiansyah (-), a resident of Gampong Pasi Puteh

  8. Eridansyah (-), a resident of Gampong Alue Dua

  9. Sudariyono (25), a resident of Gampong Alue Batee

  10. Zubir's son (-), a citizen of the Old Bhom

  11. Dedi Saputra (25), resident of Ranto Peureulak

  12. M Rafi

  13. Siti Rahya (citizen of Gampong Pasi Putih)

  14. Muklis

  15. M Fariz

  16. Riscal

  17. Al-Husairi (21), resident of Ranto Peureulak

  18. Adnan Saputra (30)

While the five burned houses each belong to:

  1. House owned by Siti Hafizah (70 years)

  2. House owned by Zainabah (85)

  3. House owned by Ridwan Hutabarat (40)

  4. Maryani's House (60)

  5. House owned by Muhammad Yanis (45)

Victims treated at each hospital:

Graha Bunda-Idi Rayeuk Hospital:

  1. Julianta Putra (27), resident of Gp. Land of Anoe-Idi Rayeuk

  2. M Nur (42), resident of Kec. Peureulak Barat

  3. Yusri (36), resident of Kec. Pantee Bidari

  4. Puta Maulana (28), Kec Ranto Peureulak

  5. Junaidi (33th), resident of West Peureulak Subdistrict

Zubir Mahmud Hospital, Idi Rayeuk:

  1. Effendi Hamid (50), resident of Kec. Ranto Peureulak

  2. Irnawan (34), resident of Kec. Ranto Peureulak

  3. Agussalim (26), resident of Kec. Ranto Peureulak

  4. Isaac (48), resident of Kec. Ranto Peureulak

  5. Burhanuddin (38), resident of Kec. Ranto Peureulak

  6. Suheri (31), Kec. Ranto Peureulak

  7. Sapriyadi (25), Kec. Peureulak Barat

  8. Haikal Fikri (15), Kec. Peureulak Barat

  9. Jumadi Amin (40), Kec. Peureulak Barat

  10. Junaidi (31), Kec. Peureulak Barat

  11. Saudah (50), Kec. Ranto Peureulak

  12. Halimah (70), Kec. Ranto Peureulak

  13. Murniyati (37), Kec. Ranto Peureulak

  14. Fatahillah (12), Kec. Ranto Peureulak

  15. Rifki Mauliansyah (23), Kec. Ranto Peureulak

  16. Muklis Rusli (42), Kec. Peureulak Barat

  17. Agus Faizir (35), Kec. Ranto Peureulak

RS Sultan Abdul Aziz, Peureulak:

  1. Akbar (18), a resident of Gampong Bhom Lama

  2. M Ridwan (21), a resident of Gampong Pasi Puteh

  3. Zainuddin (38), a Gampong Leuge resident

  4. Muksal Mina (24), a resident of Gampong Alue Rambong

  5. Mahyuddin (18), a resident of Gampong Pasi Puteh

  6. M Yusuf (40), a resident of Gampong Pasi Puteh

  7. Hafifuddin (36), a resident of Gampong Bhom Lama

  8. Saiful (28), a resident of Awe Udep Village

  9. M Husin (35), a resident of Gampong Lubuk Pempeng

  10. Sari Yulis (25), a resident of the village of Tempen

  11. Muhammad Yani, resident of White Pasi

  12. Radiati (25), a resident of Gampong Pasi Puteh

  13. M faisal (18), a resident of Gampong Bhom Lama

  14. Heri Herliza (19), a resident of Gampong Tanjung Tani

  15. Umar hamzah (45), a resident of Gampong Beusa Beuranoe

  16. M Faisal Rizal (30), resident of Kec. Peudawa

  17. M Razi, a resident of Gampong Alue Dua

  18. Muklis (46), a resident of Gampong Alue Dua

  19. Zainal Abidin (35), a resident of Gampong Pasi Puteh

As reported, BPBD Aceh Timur received a report from the community at around 2:15 pm, about the fire of a citizen's oil well.

Not yet certain the cause of the fire. The fire immediately soared and caused a tremendous panic.

Until now, the fire that soared up to 100 meters can not be extinguished.

Source : http://aceh.tribunnews.com/2018/04/25/update-ledakan-sumur-minyak-di-ranto-peureulak-sudah-renggut-18-nyawa-41-orang-masih-dirawat?page=all

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innalillahi wainnailaihi rajiun.... semoga saudara kita di ampunkan segala dosa- dosanya.. amiin

Innalillahi wainnailaihi rojiun