RE: Eos account create assist

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Eos account create assist

in account •  7 years ago 

I can help mate, check this post out and I will get you sorted

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Whats the easiest way to create an account if you all ready have one ? I tried to set up scatter but I cant seem to get my keys to work on scatter , Is there a wallet that will let me create a eos account ? Thanks for any info you can provide

There are a couple of easy ways.

  1. Download the simplEOS by @eosrio here,

  2. go to and create an account there, you will need scatter setup for that.

I have only tried command line so far , which is the hardest. Because it needs you to setup cleos .

I thought you did not have account?

I don't have an account, I tried to create one and failed because my private wallet doesn't have tokens yet. Once I have an account I would be able to transfer my tokens into my wallet.

Did you get an account sorted or do you still need my help?

Thanks,I will download and see how simpleos works.