Kopi pagi

in aceh •  7 years ago  (edited)

Secangkir kopi dengan di temani roti bisa jadi pembuka rasa di pagi hari sebelum memulai aktifitas ,tak perlu waktu lama cukup 20 menit saja ,anda bisa merasakan kenikmatan pagi .

Bagi penikmat kopi memulai pagi dengan secangkir kopi sudah menjadi hal lumrah baginya ,namun di balik kopi hitam tanpa gula di situlah mengandung mamfaat yang besar selain membuat rileks dan dengan kandungan kafeinnya dapat membantu anda terjaga dari aktivitas.

A cup of coffee with the accompanied bread could be the opener the taste in the morning before starting the activity ,don't need a long time enough 20 minutes ,you can feel the pleasantness of the morning .

For the coffee connoisseurs start the morning with a cup of coffee has become a common thing for him ,but in behind of black coffee without sugar in that it contains the benefits are great in addition to make relaxed and content with caffeine can help you awake from the activity.

Selamat pagi selamat beraktifites

Salam @akmalpro

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