Bu Kunya, hot rice wrapped in banana leaves that have been smoked and sprinkled with salt so that the smell of the leaves soak and feel in the rice when eaten
Bu Kulah, the name of a special dish at a mawlid that can not be separated from this tradition. Bu Kunya is hot rice wrapped in banana leaves that have been wrought or smoked and sprinkled with salt so that the aroma of the leaves come to the rice is still hot. Here is the art, which makes this rice very missed during the mawlid.
This rice is served with curry beef curry, goat curry, chicken curry and other extras such as salted egg and mulieng crackers or melinjo crackers that also refine the culinary in the tradition. Very tasty dishes. Certainly the diet agenda will be messy when dealing with this bombastic dish.
Do not forget the rice packet is sometimes also added chilli sauce, keumamah or wooden fish that is dried fish long and oiled with spices so that the joy can be imagined up to the dream world.