Banda Aceh Achieves Cultural Award in Indonesia

in aceh •  7 years ago 

Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) Indonesia, Muhadjir Effendy Anugerahkan Culture of Banda Aceh Mayor Aminullah Usman, at Plaza Insan Berprestasi, Kemendikbud Complex RI, Jakarta, Thursday.

Banda Aceh was awarded as an area of ​​corruption and low levels of community violence, and rich in cultures such as Banda Aceh Coffee Festival, Wonderful Muharram, Kuah Beulangong, Khanduri Maulid, Piasan Seni, Da'wah Umum and Geulayang Tunang.

"We appreciate and hope that the head of the region is committed to preserving the heritage of its cultural treasures and traditions, which can be done through education, involving the community and society so that this culture and art becomes the pride of Indonesia that will promote the region in all fields," Muhadjir Efendi said.

Mayor Aminullah Usman expressed his gratitude to Kemendikbud for his appreciation. Appreciation and gratitude also for the Department of Education and Culture of Banda Aceh City for his hard work so that his achievements increase in the future.

According to Kadisdikbud Kota Banda Aceh Syaridin, other Banda Aceh plus values ​​include the Library of Cinta Cinta Foundation and Ali Hasjmy Library, Banda Aceh Museum and Ali Hasjmy Museum as well as government commitment to strengthen cultural resources through literacy and reading interest programs.

"One of the efforts of Pemko Banda Aceh in preserving the culture through the local content curriculum at all levels of school education," said Syaridin.

The awards are also given to four other regions in Indonesia namely Gorontalo City, Sawahlunto City, East Kutai Regency, and Wakatobi Regency.

In the event of Cultural Award and Maestro Award for Traditional Art, Pilolog from Aceh Teuku Iskandar also obtained the title and honor of Satyalancana Kebudayaan from President Joko Widodo.

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