in aceh •  7 years ago 


Hamas, the set of students and students is
an organization under the banner of Mudi pesantren samalanga mosque that is responsible for spreading the religion of Islam in various regions of Aceh, such as Sabang, Simeulu, Singkil, Aceh Besar, and even some areas outside Aceh, such as in Padang, Kalimantan, Madura, and terrain.

And alhamdulillah, after going through various tests held by the committee, I passed and entrusted as a team HAMAS field.

Our activities in Medan are lectures, being priests, bilals, and conducting recitations to the community, and of course a bit of gotong royong is definitely needed.

We depart from Samalanga on tuesday, night meugang and god willing it will end on 27 fast.
Hopefully we all can bear the mandate that has been charged this .. difficult indeed, but this is the name of the struggle.

Yours sincerely ..aulia rahman

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