in aceh •  7 years ago 



The lioness was born in the heart of Aceh
Raised with the courage of kafir (Infidel) hatred
descend from an Ulema (scholar), Heir of Ambiya (Prophet)
be sung with love songs of religious and homeland.

This flower is blooming
A flower from the Leuser valley
Ruled ever the mountain slopes of Pining and Uring
in the Tingkem war until the Kafir is over.

About a hundred years ago
with high and great fighting spirit
"For the beloved land.

Mujahiddah Inen Mayak Tri from Nanggroe Pining Gayo Lues Acheh Darussalam.

Mujahiddah Putri Dimus from Nanggroe Tampeng Gayo Lues Acheh Darussalam.

Mujahiddah Pocut Meuligoe from Nanggroe Samalanga Acheh Darussalam.

There are three female "Hero Defenders" from the Daulat of the Nanggroe Acheh Darussalam Kingdom Federation.

"They exist even without media publication"

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