Hi Steemians... This is my documentation 1 year ago, ginger processing plant located in the area along the river Lambaro, Jurong Peujra, Pagar Air, Aceh Besar.
T Imran is the owner of this factory, has been in business since early 2012, this results in a processed ginger essential oil would be traded to the international market, for use as a raw material for health and beauty.
One drug company in Malaysia that the market orientation to continental Europe, also taking the distillate T. Imran, whereas at that time, the company is supplying ginger oil from India. After two times in laboratory tests, a health and beauty company is ready to receive input T.Imran ginger oil.
T.Imran issued capital to begin production of ginger oil, was Rp 200 million/ USD 16,000.00, and until today. Every month he receives orders for 100 kilograms of ginger oil, with the price per kilogram reached 250 US dollars.