Resep carang gesing

in aceh •  7 years ago 



Carang Gesing
Jika kalian jalan-jalan ke daerah Yogyakarta, jangan lupa untuk mencoba jajanan tradisional yang bernama Carang Gesing. Namanya cukup unik bukan? Jika sekilas diperhatikan dan dirasakan hampir mirip dengan kue nagasari, karena sama-sama berbahan dasar pisang dan dikukus dalam bungkusan daun pisang. Daun pisang dipercaya dapat memberikan aroma yang harum bagi resep carang gesing ini. Namun jika ingin lebih praktis bisa menggunakan pyrex atau aluminium foil sebagai pembungkusnya.

4 butir telur ayam
125 gram gula pasir
500 ml santan kental hasil parutan 1 butir kelapa
Garam secukupnya
3 lembar daun pandan, dipotong-potong
10 buah pisang raja, dipotong pendek-pendek bulat
Daun pisang secukupnya untuk bahan pembungkus
Lidi untuk disematkan sebagai kancing pembungkus

  1. Kupas pisang lalu potong-potong setebal ½ cm.

  2. Campur semua bahan kecuali daun pandan, Tuang adonan ke dalam pyrex atau daun pisang atau aluminium foil.

  3. Kukus selama 20 menit, alasi tutup dandang dengan serbet. Setelah matang, angkat dan dinginkan lalu sajikan.


Carang Gesing
If you walk to the area of Yogyakarta, don't forget to try the traditional food called Carang Gesing. His name is quite unique isn't it? If a glance be noticed and felt almost similar to a cake nagasari, because it is equally made from banana and steamed in a parcel of banana leaves. Banana leaf is believed to provide a fragrant aroma for the recipe carang gesing. But if you want more practical could use pyrex or aluminum foil as the wrapping.
4 chicken eggs
125 grams granulated sugar
500 ml thick coconut milk results grated 1 egg coconut
Salt to taste
3 pieces pandan leaves, cut into pieces
10 pieces of plantain, cut short-short round
Banana leaves to taste to wrapping material
Stick to embedded as studs wrapping

  1. Peel the bananas and cut into slices ½ cm thick.
  2. Mix all the ingredients except the pandan leaves, Pour the batter into the pyrex or banana leaves or aluminum foil.
  3. Steamed for 20 minutes, cover the lid of the steamer with a napkin. Once cooked, remove and let cool and then serve.
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I have to try your recipe

This post has received a 0.66 % upvote from @drotto thanks to: @fitriani56.