Aceh Have 27,188 Mosques

in aceh •  7 years ago 


Aceh Have 27,188 Mosques

Banda Aceh - Aceh Province from 2008 to 2014 has a mosque of 27,188 units spread across 23 districts / cities. The mosques consist of the grand mosque, the big mosque, the jami mosque 'and the ordinary mosque.

of data owned by Aceh Kemenag 2015, most areas with mosques are Aceh Utara with 357 and Aceh Timur 355 units. Sabang is the least mosque area of ​​20 units.

looking at the data, the growth of mosques in Aceh post-danam grew significantly. In 2008 the number of mosques in Aceh was 3,733 units. The next year became 3,859. The year 2010 is 3,889. Then respectively 3,918, 3,921,3,927 and in 2015 to 3,941 units.

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