Jamur Payung | Kulat

in aceh •  8 years ago  (edited)


Jamur ini dikenal dengan nama hiratake dan tamogitake. Disebut jamur tiram karena topi dan aromanya mirip tiram.

Warnanya bervariasi dari putih, abu-abu, cokelat, dan cokelat kemerahan. Dagingnya lembut, bertekstur beludru, dan rasanya ringan. Digunakan untuk salad, sup, ditumis, dan dipanggang.

Termasuk jamur karnivora dan memakan parasit untuk memperoleh nitrogen. Namun sangat kaya akan protein, serat, vitamin B1 dan B2, zat besi, anti oksidan, dan rendah lemak.

Jika berkenan silakan followed @goodtrade

This fungus is known as hiratake and tamogitake. Called oyster mushrooms because the hat and odor-like scent.

The colors vary from white, gray, brown, and reddish brown. The meat is soft, velvety textured, and tastes light. Used for salads, soups, sauteed, and baked.

Includes carnivorous fungi and eat parasites to obtain nitrogen. However it is rich in protein, fiber, vitamin B1 and B2, iron, anti oxidants, and low fat.

If you wish please follow @goodtrade

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