Update: Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. on this day Saturday, October 07, 2017 cc pkl. 11.00 Wib, has been struck by lightning students of junior high school Al Alaq housing complex Asean Village Paloh Lada Kec. Dewantara Kab. North Aceh who is in the school cafeteria page, which resulted in victims as many as 13 people, each victim of MD as much as: 2 org, critical injury as much as 1 person, and slightly injured as many as 10 org. Chronology of events: Before the victims were inside the cafeteria, which was sheltering from the heavy rain, but at that time the rain accompanied by the great lightning struck the tree above the cafeteria, so that lightning immediately grabbed the victims who are in the canteen. then all the victims were brought to the housing complex of Arun Lhokseumawe housing complex and declared 2 org Died, 1 org critical and 10 org minor injuries, then his victims have been returned to his family. As for the identity of MD victim: 1. Muhammad, age 45 yrs, work of Becak Truckman, address ds tambon tunong kec Dewantara kab Aceh Utara. 2. M zaki, 13 yr, student smp al alaq, address dee ulee madon kec Muara stone kab. North Aceh. Identity of critical victims: 1. Ayesha, 40 yrs, housewife, ds address. Tambon tunong kec Dewantara aut Identity of minor injuries: 1. TM. Zaki, 14 yr, student smp al alaq, ds keude krueng geukueh kec Dewantara 2. Ihksan maulana, 14 yr, student, ds tambon tunong kec Dewantara 3. Fatahilah, 14 yr, student, ds bangka jaya kec Dewantara 4. Rivki, 14 yr, student, ds tambon tunong kec Dewantara 5. Rizki maulana, 14 yr, student, ds tambon tunong kec Dewantara 6. Suhadi, 14 yr, student, ds keude krueng geukueh kec Dewantara 7. M aksa, 14 yr, student, ds Paloh Lada Kec Dewantara 8. TM ulul azmi, 14 yr, student, ds paya two kec. Banda baro kab Aceh Utara 9. Suher, 14 yr, student, ds keude krueng geukueh kec Dewantara 10. M hilal azmi, 14 yr, student, ds Paloh Lada Kec Dewantara.
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