
in aceh •  7 years ago 


the thesis according to sayaterinspirasi of the questions a friend the other day when I register for the exam of my thesis. “you make a thesis like this?” (if I'm not wrong interpretation of what is meant is the title of my thesis is too simple, easy and trivial. maybe ya know ). well that's, probably for the majority of students who are or will be taking a research (thesis) will be looking for a theme and the title of the se-advance and as good as(complicated) possible with the aim that the title of the research is easily and quickly approved the also the sides of the prestige because of the conduct of research advance, elaborate, etc. however I have a different point of view in taking a research in particular to complete the thesis. factors into consideration I have in choosing a thesis title among others is :Manfaattema and the title of the study is to be selected. if you are confused to determine the title, read the journal as much as possible so that it can determine the theme and title of what will be selected. but the biggest question for myself is “do the research that I do is sufficient for other people/the environment/society?”. yes, I know. all research must be beneficial, what I mean here is applicative or not? whether the results of our research will only be a pile of the archives of mere or can be applied directly because I prefer to do the research that the result is a ready-made product, not just a prototype. for my final project/thesis is how I contribute to the audience through my research so it is at least worthy of the title of the diploma/bachelor/master's degree, not just to fulfill my obligation to obtain a degree.relevansibagi I am studying in the state are already working, clearly different from regular students that its obligations are just learning. therefore for my research that was taken in completing the study-any necessary relevance to the work that I live. the work that I pursue is in the field of networking, I've lived for 7 years then that is where is my focus. take the title of the research not inline with the focus I do not provide my identity (for my own you know..)research a simple but menarikdisamping factors the benefits and relevance, the selection of a title that is not ordinary is also important for me where my principle is to take the title that is not ordinary, if you can easy but fresh. an example of easy it in the discipline of Information Technology, then the title is a very common and mushrooming is “application design blah blah blah in blah blah blah”. believe me no matter how great your application is, in the eyes of the testers remain the ordinary course and to system design course already dozens of pages to discuss it yet the code-his code etc. different if you choose a title (for example) making the application of cryptography sound mp3 format with the method of lsb. the second title is more simple, more minimal the code is quickly made but is a bit taken by the student and more meaningful in the eyes of the testers.measuring skills, measuring skills themselves. whether the title of the study taken able to do or not. useless to take the research a “wow” if eventually failed on the table of the trial or instead failed to advance the hearing that the factors that need to be considered in taking the theme and title of the thesis for me and according to my personal so not a grip because the principles, mindset and perspective each person is different

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