The atmosphere of nationalism festivity at the Bireuen Sukma Bangsa School, Aceh

in aceh •  5 years ago 

President Joko Widodo while stirring Kuah Beulangong cuisine at the National Kenduri event at the Sukma Bangsa School, Bireuen, Aceh. Photo by Rahmat Mirza

A cook prepares Beulangong Kuah cuisine to be eaten together at the National Kenduri event at the Sukma Bangsa School, Bireuen. Photo by Abdul Hadi / acehkini

The performance of Fikar W Eda poetry and Ratoh Jaroe dance presented by Sukma Bangsa School students at the National Kenduri event. Photo by Abdul Hadi / acehkini

The National Kenduri Committee prepares 10 cows with Beulangong Kuah (bulanga broth), for President Jokowi's lunch with the ministers and other guests. Also present was the Acting Governor of Aceh Nova Iriansyah, Wali Nanggroe Malik Mahmud Al-Haythar, a number of ulemas and Forkopimda Aceh elements and thousands of people.

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