how to earn it

in aceh •  7 years ago 

It's time for me to switch things up. I know a lot of the new users
to Steemit are trying to figure out how to make it to the top of
that trending page. That winning spot that gives others a twinge
of jealousy. I want to give you all some tips and things to think
about when you write a post. These are things I've learned from
my time majoring in English at Purdue University and I think
they can be applied to any subject matter you choose to write
I'm not saying that the content being posted on Steemit is subpar, but it's
always good to try and improve yourself and thus the platform itself-
especially since this improvement could drastically boost your bank account

  1. Take Your Time
    I spend an average of 3 or more hours planning out and typing
    up my posts. Most of the time I have a general idea what I want
    to write about, usually it's a crazy thing that happened, a
    realization that changed my perspective, or education about a
    specific topic. It's good to explore your thoughts and challenge
    yourself to get critical about how or why things have happened,
    and most importantly: you need to convey how it affected you
    and what you plan on doing about it.
  2. Write It All Out
    Rarely, if ever, do I write a post without editing it. I write
    everything that comes to mind. Most of it is NOT what I want to
    say, but when I get a good train of thought going I find that I
    stumble upon a great thought or phrasing that pleases me and I do
    my best to expand on that thought. Expand, expand, expand.
    Write it all out. Then you can easily go back and take out
    unnecessary words, repetitive phrases and pointless statements.
    Hint: the word "that" is usually not needed
    3.Organize it
    You need to figure out what you want to accomplish with the post
    and stick with it the whole way through. This will keep your
    writing focused and prevent it from trailing off topic which can
    be confusing for readers and make them feel like they're wasting
    their time by reading it.
    I begin with a general timeline, since I like to write about my
    own travel experiences, this type of organization makes the most
    sense. I think about the events leading up to the occasion, the
    thing that happened, then how I reacted and felt about it. I like to
    make comparisons whenever possible. They help the reader better
    understand what I'm talking about and it can give them a better
    visual, so they feel like they have experienced it also.
    If you aren't writing about travel or telling a story, these are two
    other ways to organize your writing- specifically if you're writing
    about a technical subject. You can either begin with the Big
    Picture and go further into detail with the specifics, this gives the
    reader a heads up on what they will be learning about. Or you
    can write it in a crescendo type fashion and begin with the
    smaller details and tie them all together at the end by linking
    them into the Big Picture. This gives your reader a sense of
    deeper understanding on how everything is connected that way.
  3. Use A Language That's Relatable Yet Knowledgeable
    Try to have a slightly casual tone with your writing. You want
    your readers to feel comfortable reading the material, you don't
    want them to struggle to understand what you're trying to say
    because your writing makes you sound like a robot. It's great to
    write in a way that conveys your own personality. You can do
    this by including phrases you often use everyday. It's also good to
    practice recognizing how your inner voice sounds when you talk
    to yourself. If you can tap into that and convey it in the right way
    it's a great way for your readers to feel connected to you and
    they'll be more invested and interested in reading the entirety of
    your post. Also, I try to be as descriptive as possible. I choose one
    or two things to really describe in detail, not every single thing
    but a few key details will really bring your reader closer to your
    writing. They'll feel more connected and interested.
  4. Be Your Own Harshest Critic
    Again, be very critical of your writing. Really think about what
    you are trying to say and if you're using the absolute best
    phrasing. I like to go over my writing and think of different ways
    to organize the words to form shorter, more to the point
    sentences. No one likes to read material that's really wordy, it's
    boring and ultimately you'll lose the readers focus. On a platform
    where content is king, keeping your readers attention should be
    first on your list. You should have a clear and concise objective to
    your post.
    I know this post doesn't exactly warrant photos but here's a few
    from Portugal, a trip I'll be writing about in the future:)
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