When you’re trying to do your own thing, people who don’t know you will support you more than people you call friends and family. Sad, but true.
The people who know you are always critical, judgements and negative. They bring you down every chance they get. To a lot of people even those who know me, I’m a nobody and that’s okay because as crazy as I am, I believe in God and when I ask him to show me who is who, He always does.
I wish He would give me the lottery number though. To everyone who support me, Y’all know I’m grateful. I’m going to start making you proud again in another dimension so bare with me. As part of my movement and growth I’m going to focus on marketing myself as a writer/author and everything in between.
Some of y’all (the people I know) had a lot of negative things to say on other people’s post it's not my problem though. I'm a Man who works hard at what he does and no matter what you say about me I will stand tall with my head high because when you go low i goes high!”