The metamorphosis that God created on the butterflies made humans think and examine

in aceh •  6 years ago 


Introduction Story

Butterflies are creatures of God that have a very beautiful shape. Butterfly wings usually have beautiful colors and patterns that make everyone happy to see it.source

Description of butterfly metamorphosis

Metamorphosis is a change of existence experienced by certain living beings, one living being that undergoes metamorphosis is a butterfly, butterflies experience perfect metamorphism because its initial form is very different from its ultimate form.source

The life cycle of butterflies starts from the egg. Butterfly eggs are usually on the leaf surface. Eggs then hatch into caterpillars. The caterpillar will eat for days, gradually the worms will stop eating, and begin to turn into a cocoon. This cocoon period lasts for days. When it is perfect, butterflies emerge from the cocoon and become an adult Butterfly. Which breed by laying eggs. From the egg, the process of metamorphosis begins again.source

The female butterfly is very choosy in choosing plants to put eggs on. The main reason is to find the prospective caterpillar of his favorite leaf. because every butterfly has its own favorite leaves.source




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