But since our purpose is now limited to the search for the truth, we can first doubt the things that have occurred under our senses, or that we have ever imagined: Are there what really exists in the world? Because experience has shown us that our senses have been deceived in many places, and that, it is a lack of foresight to reassure all those who have fooled us even once, and also because we almost always dream while we sleep.
It seems to us then that we feel strongly, and imagine clearly countless things that do not exist abroad, and when a person is designed to doubt everything is no longer a sign of discrimination between the thoughts that come to us in the case of sleep, and those that respond to us in the case Vigilance.
My description
Doubt and confidence are things that always come all our lives.
You have to keep fighting!
Doubt I think is not a negative thing for us, even doubt is what drives us to be better than already existed.
Doubt makes us a strong psychic person, Doubts become strong and keep going.
Some people regard doubts as a weakness, as a stance of a scandal, but a doubt builds us up, strengthens us, and raises our degrees, both on the one hand and on the human side of the world.
الكتاب: ديكارت مبادئ الفلسفة
المؤلف: د/ عثمان أمين
الناشر: دار الثقافة للنشر والتوزيع
الطبعة: -
عدد الأجزاء: 1