bubong oen inheritance that is eroded by technology

in aceh •  7 years ago 


"Bubong oen" so the Achenese call it. Bubong oen is a roof made of woven leaf rumbia (aceh: bak meuria). This plant is one of the shrubs whose stems can be processed into sago. With the expertise of utilizing something that is provided by the natural people of Aceh to make the leaves to be made roof. Even traditional houses in Aceh still use the palm leaves as a roof.
The materials needed for making the roof is very simple just need bamboo stems and rattan slits. Bamboo as the main handle while the rattan hemispheres as a strap.



But today as the times of many modern-style houses are no longer using bubong oen as the roof. They prefer a roof made of zinc or tile with economical and practical reasons. This transition is very natural in the modern era. However this does not prevent the artisan of bubong oen to keep producing. Because many managers of tourist attractions in aceh who continue to buy bubong oen is to be a roof of the guest house or restaurant roof so as to provide a more natural.


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Casanemo 😃

Betul bang @ahmadzaki