Head of Karang Taruna Kabupaten Aceh Utara Sarjani, ST and Chairman of the Community Social Workers' Association (IPSM) Kabupaten Aceh Utara Mukhtaruddin, S. Pd are both participants in the Socialization of Family Planning and Family Development (KKBPK) Program Socialization Program through Information Communication and Education (KIE) Creative conducted by the BKKBN Aceh Province in the Page Building Learning Activities Activities (SKB) Kabupaten Aceh Utara Gampong Alue Keujruen District Tanah Luas
The event entitled "Strengthening Communication to Achieve a Happy, Prosperous and Qualified Small Family" was opened by Head of BKKBN Aceh represented by Head of Adpin BKKBN Aceh, Faridah, SE, MM, in his speech said one of the ideals of the Government today is Improving Quality of Life .
We are Number 4 in the world's largest population, but in terms of quality of life, we are directed to 131 out of 187 Countries, this is very worrying, Faridah said.
Faridah added, through the BKKBN Program, the problem can be suppressed in a slow manner, BKKBN is entrusted with the mandate to complete it, he said.
Member of House of Representatives Commission IX Tgk. Khaidir Abdurrahman, S.IP
Subdistrict Head of Area Drs. Mawardi,
Sarjani, ST expects to the Local Government and Central Government and To Tgk. Khaidir Abdurrahman, S.IP as the People's Representative in Senayan in order to fight for such activities to be continuously carried out in every sub-district in Aceh Utara in particular and Aceh in general in order to provide education to women, since women also play an important role in realizing quality family. Because the mother is the first school for children, so the mothers must also have a broad understanding and knowledge. The key to a quality family is in the hands of women so that it will give birth to a child / generation free from the Influence of Drugs and Intercourse, in a family there is no male or female supremacy. Both men and women share the same responsibility in the family.
The event was also enlivened by the performance of Aceh art and culture, ranging from the dance Ranub Lampuan sipersembahkan by Group Art Studio SMPN 6 Lhoksukon then followed by Zikir Poh Kipah from Group Art Studio Pasokahillah Gampong Alue Keujruen Tanah Luas Subdistrict which in foster by Tgk. Amiruddin, B, Tgk. Yusri Pasee and Tgk. Sanusi Simpang Dama.
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