#sddqm: Aceh Mosque in George Town [ENG-IND]

in aceh •  7 years ago  (edited)

Pulau Pinang, Malaysia, has many historical buildings. One of them the lebuh Aceh mosque, located at the heritage enclave of George Town. It was also called the Mesjid Jamek as well as Masjid Melayu Lebuh Acheh, this magnificent mosque was built in 1808. 

[Pulau Pinang, Malaysia, memiliki banyak bangunan bersejarah. Salah satunya masjid lebuh Aceh, yang terletak di kawasan kantung kerajaan George Town. Itu juga disebut Mesjid Jamek serta Masjid Melayu Lebuh Acheh, masjid megah ini dibangun pada tahun 1808.]

History of the mosque began in 1792, when Tengku Syed Hussain Al-Aidid, an Acehnese merchant came when Pinang Island was recently opened by Captain Sir Francis Light at the end of the 18th century.

[Sejarah masjid bermula pada tahun 1792, saat Tengku Syed Hussain Al-Aidid, seorang saudagar Aceh datang ketika Pulau Pinang baru dibuka oleh Kapten Sir Francis Light pada akhir abad ke 18.]

With his wealth, Tengku Syed Hussain Al-Aidid then built a mosque in Lebuh Acheh. He also built homes, shops and Madrasah Al-Quran.

[Dengan kekayaan yang dimilikinya, Tengku Syed Hussain Al-Aidid kemudian membangun sebuah masjid di Lebuh Acheh. Ia juga membangun rumah, toko dan Madrasah Al-Quran.]

Image Source: [1][2][3][4]

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Nice post. Vote back me @mizwar ya guys

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Of course, thanks guys

Nice Post Jangan Lupa Follow Back Ya :)

Oke, thanks