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in aceh •  7 years ago 

Hallo steemit community

My name is Teuku Asnawi Syahza. I was born in South Aceh, thats why several friends called me Tgk.Naga, Naga means dragon. The dragon is South Aceh's icon based on the famous story of dragon princess and Tuan Tapa legends. I will tell you about this in another occasion.


Now, live in Banda Aceh-Indonesia. I am a coffee connoisseur, love reading, traveling, watching football and playing football games also. I love to involving in social and community development activities.

One of the social activities I have done is facilitating the gampong Panca Kubu community in getting access to clean water and sanitation in 2008. Panca Kubu is a village in the Seulawah valley and about 63 km far from Banda Aceh. The challenge was to reach the village, besides it is far from the national also limited by a river whose bridge has collapsed. So I and friends had to cross the river directly to get there. This activity was funded by Care International Indonesia, one of the NGOs assisting Aceh after the earthquake and Tsunami on December 26, 2004. Following the participatory approach, we succeeded in establishing clean water and toilet facilities several months later.


Finally, I would like to be a volunteer as trainer or facilitator for community development programs especially in water and sanitation projects. Thank you.

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Hi Tgk.Naga! Welcome to the Steem community. Your pictures are quite interesting and give us a window into your world for which I am thankful.

I noticed that the photos are dated 2008. Is the picture of you from 2008 as well?

I will add you as a Follow and look forward to future posts from you. Good luck here in the Steem community and I wish you great success!

Thanks @braveboat for your appreciation.
About the picture, yes i am, it was 2008 as well. My project in the community finished at 2009. I wish you have great sucses also..

Postingan yang bagus kawan, saya sangat senang bisa melihat postingan Anda. Saya mencoba menyimak dengan baik dan berharap bisa mendapatkan sesuatu yang berarti. Akhirnya sesudah melihat sampai akhir saya menemukan informasi, pengetahuan dan pengalaman terbaru melalui postingan anda.

saya berharap kita akan terus bisa berkomunikasi dan bertukar informasi melalui media ini. saya mencoba untuk mengikuti dan mensupport untuk upvote anda meski SP saya terbilang masih lemah, Namun perlahan-lahan saya mencoba untuk meningkatkan itu, saya merupakan pendatang baru di Steemit dan baru bergabung pada 1 Agustus lalu, meskipun baru terbilang pengguna baru, sekarang rating saya sudah di posisi 47, bagaimana itu bisa terjadi ? saya punya trik dan cara tersendiri yang sudah saya pelajari sebelumnya pada saat mengelola sebuah website pribadi, yang disebut dengan SEO. Saya tidak bermaksud untuk mempromosikan diri, saya hanya ingin sedikit berbagi dan merasa senang jika anda ,menghargai itu, mohon maaf bila sudah hadir dikolom komentar anda, senang bisa berkenalan dengan Anda, saya harap ini akan berkelanjutan, terimakasih.

saya punya postingan terbaru yang mungkin bisa anda simak untuk menambah wawasan dan informasi Anda. Selamat menikmati !
