Pase '' 10, zhulqa'dah, 2018
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Samudera Pase''the World's Noble Advice
Dr.Hasan Muhammad Tiro.P.hd, .B.S.C., LLd.
Wali once translated to GAM leaders even apply to all aceh nations.
What is pride?
Pride (takabbur) or known in the language of shari'a with the title al-kibr is seeing yourself bigger than the others. The arrogant person sees him as more perfect than a piece. He compares others, is low, and so forth. Gata's basic foundation is arrogant and arrogant caused by:
(A). Following the Lust.
Know Allah's servant, that the arrogance arises from because it follows the passions, because it is the lust invites to the heights and glory in the earth. Allah Ta'ala says:
"Know Allah, the servant of Allah whose heart is adorned with tawadhu '(humble) that the disaster of pride is so great, the special people perish in it, and rarely the free man, the clerics', the worshipers, or the zuhud experts. the disaster of pride was not great, while the pride was:
1-The First Sin With Which Allah Azza Wa Jalla Meets.
Pride is the first sin committed by Satan laknatullah in maksiat to Allah Azza wa jalla. The arrogance dragged the Devil to make fate an incessantly arrogant excuse. Allah Almighty says:
"And (remember) when We said unto the angels:" Prostrate thou unto Adam, "And thou shalt fall down except the devil; he is reluctant and arrogant, and he is among the disbelievers. " [Al-Baqarah / 2: 34]
2-Pride Is A Shirk Friend And The Cause.
Therefore Allah Almighty joins the unbelief with pride in His glorious book, He Azza wa Jalla says:
"Then all those angels prostrated themselves, except Satan; he is arrogant and he is among the disbelievers ". [Shaad / 38: 73-74]
Allah Almighty also said:
"No, my truth has come to you, and you have rejected it, and you are arrogant, and you are among the disbelievers." [Az-Zumar / 39: 59]
For whoever takabbur from obedience to al-haq (truth) -although the truth came to him through the hands of a small child or a person he hates and obeys, then his takabbur is actually to Allah, for Allah is Al-Haq, his word is haq , His religion is haq, al-haq is His nature, and al-haq is from Him and for Him. So if a servant rejects al-haq, takabbur from receiving it, then surely he rejects God and takabbur against Him. And whoever does not abide against Allah, Allah will humiliate him, demean him, discourage him, and belittle him.
3- The Arrogant People The Place of Return Is Hell.
Hence Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala made hell a home for the arrogant, as in the letter of Al-Ghafir verse 76 and the letter of Az-Zumar verse 72. Allah Azza wa Jalla said:
"Enter the doors of the Fire of Hell, and ye shall abide therein." Then the Fire of Hell That is the worst place for those who boast. " [Az-Zumar / 39: 72]
And the arrogant are the inhabitants of hell, based on the saying of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam:
إِنَّ أَهْلَ النَّارِ كُلُّ جَعْظَرِيٍّ جَوَّاظٍ مُسْتَكْبِرٍ جَمَّاعٍ مَنَّاعٍ وَأَهْلُ الْجَنَّةِ الضُّعَفَاءُ الْمَغْلُوبُونَ
"Surely the inhabitants of hell are all the more harsh, the arrogant in their way, the proud, the wealthy, the griping. The inhabitants of heaven are weak and invincible. " [Hadith Sahih. History of Ahmad, 2/114; Al-Hakim, 2/499]
They will experience all sorts of tortures in Jahannam, will be covered with humiliation from various places, and will be poured into the pus of the inhabitants of hell. The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
يحشر المتكبرون يوم القيامة أمثال الذر في صور الرجال يغشاهم الذل من كل مكان فيساقون إلى سجن في جهنم يسمى بولس تعلوهم نار الأنيار يسقون من عصارة أهل النار طينة الخبال
"On the Day of Resurrection the proud will be herded and gathered like little ants, in human form, the humiliation will cover them from all sides. They will be led to a prison inside Jahannam whose name is Bulas. A very hot fire of hell will burn them. They will be indulged by the pus of the inhabitants of hell, ie thinatul khabal (mud of destruction) ". [Hadith Hasan. The history of Bukhari in al-Adabul Mufrad, no. 557; Tirmidhi, no. 2492; Ahmad, 2/179; and Nu'aim bin Hammad in Zawaid Az-Zuhd, no. 151]
4- Embarrassment Is a Curtain of Heaven's Signs.
Therefore God cast out Satan from heaven, He Azza wa Jalla said:
"Come down from heaven; because you should not boast in it! ". [Al-A'râf / 7: 13]
That pride becomes a barrier curtain entering paradise for blocking a servant from the morality of the believers. The arrogant person dislikes for the believers the kindness he likes for himself. He is incapable of being humble and abandoning hasad, revenge, and anger. He also can not afford to be outraged, he does not receive advice, and does not survive the humiliating and abusive nature of man. There is no disgrace unless he has it.
(B) Rasulullah sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam has explained the essence of pride in the hadith he sallallaahu' alaihi wa salllam:
الكبر بطر الحق وغمط الناس
"Pride is to deny the truth and humiliate man". [HR. Muslim, no. 2749, from 'Abdullah bin Mas'ûd]
This is what distinguishes takabbur from the nature of 'ujub (pride, glare with self). The nature of 'ujub, just prides itself on not underestimating people. While takabbur, besides pride also underestimates people:
1-'ol (Self-Proud)
Know that the servant who bertawadhu '-both God more elevate degree for me, that man will not takabbur to others until he first felt' ujub (pride) on him, and he saw himself has advantages from others. So from 'ujub this arises pride. And 'ujub is a destructive matter, based on the saying of the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam:
ثلاث مهلكات: شح مطاع وهوي متبع وإعجاب المرء بنفسه
"Three destructive things: the sukh (greedy and greedy) nature that is obeyed, the passions followed, and the 'ujub of a person against himself'. [Genealogy of Shahihah, no. 1802]
The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam also said:
بينما رجل يتبختر يمشي في برديه قد أعجبته الأرض فهو يتجلجل فيها إلى يوم القيامة
"When a man is styled with pride walking by wearing two burdahs (the type of striped clothing, or clothing made of black wool), he admires himself, then God immerses him in the earth, so he always sinks down inside earth until the Day of Resurrection ". [HR. Bukhari, no. 5789; Muslim, no. 2088; and this is lafazh Muslim]
2- Degrading Others.
Know O (slave) servant (Allah), that people who do not underestimate humans, will not be takabbur against them. While belittling someone who glorified God with faith is enough to make a sin.
3- Likes to Stand Up (Taraffu).
Know O servants who submit to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, that the human soul likes the height above each other, and from here arises pride.
Therefore, anyone who cares about the Qur'an will undoubtedly find that those who are arrogant in every people are his pemukaya, those who are in control of various affairs. Allah Ta'ala speaks of the tribe of Thamud, the Prophet of Salih Alaihisalam which means: "The boasting leaders of his people say to those who are considered weak that have believed among them:" Do you know that Salih is sent (be Apostle) by his Lord? ". They (who are considered weak-ed) replied: "We indeed believe in the revelation, which Shaykh was sent to deliver it".
The boastful said: "We are not believers in what you believe."
Then they slaughtered the camel, and they were arrogant to the Lord's command. and they say: "O Salih, bring what you are threatening to us if you are among those sent (Allah)". [al-A'râf / 7: 75-77]
And Allah Ta'ala preaches about the Prophets of Shu'aib Alaihissalam:
"The princes of the Shu'aib are arrogant and say:" We will expel you, Shu'aib and those who believe with you from our city, or return to our religion. " Shu'aib said: "And will (you will cast us out), even though we do not like it?" [Al-A'raaf / 7: 88]
Yet a reasonable person will race at an everlasting altitude, within which there is the pleasure of Allaah and the closeness to Him. And he leaves the temporal height that will perish, which will be followed by the wrath of God and his anger, the depravity of the slave, his preoccupation, away from God and the expulsion of God. This is a disgraceful height, the attitude of the boundaries and takabbur on earth without truth. Allah Ta'ala says:
"Hereafter, We make for those who do not want to be heightened (boasted) and do mischief in the (face) of the earth. And the end (the good) is for the righteous. " [Al-Qashash / 28: 83]
As for the first height (ie the height that remains eternally eternally in the hereafter) and beautified to reach it, it is commendable. Allah Ta'ala says:
"And for that it should be a race." [Al-Muthaffifin / 83: 26]
It is desirable to race for (reach) high degrees in the eternal eternal, and strive to attain altitude at its levels, and to be eager for it by trying to do its causes. And let a person not be satisfied with humility, when he is able to reach heights.
"Does every Apostle come to you to bring something (lesson) that is not according to your wishes then you boast; Then some (among them) you lie and some (others) you kill? "[Al-Baqarah / 2: 87]
4- God Does Not Love the Arrogant People.
Whoever has such qualities, then he is entitled to the curse of Allah, far from His grace, Allah lavers it and does not love it. Allah Almighty says:
"Then those who do not believe in the Hereafter, their hearts deny (the glory of God), while they themselves are arrogant people. There is no doubt that Allah knows what they conceal and what they reveal. Allah loveth not the arrogant ones ". [An-Nahl / 16: 22-23]
5- Pride Is the Cause of Su-ul Khatimah (Evil End of Life).
Therefore God proclaims that the arrogant and arbitrary are the ones that God hides their hearts, so they do not believe. So the end of life is bad. Allah Almighty says:
"Thus God locked up the heart of the arrogant and arbitrary". [Al-Mukmin / 40: 35]
6- Pride Is Because Turning From God's Verses.
That is because the arrogant person can not see the verses of Allah that explain and speak with definite proofs. Also because the pride was covering his eyes, so he did not see except himself. Allah Almighty says:
"I will turn those who boast in the land". [Al-A'raaf / 7: 146]
7- Pride Is The Greatest Sin.
Pride has such dangers; then no wonder if he is the greatest sin. The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa Sallam said:
لو لم تكونوا تذنبون لخفت عليكم ما هو أكبر من ذلك العجب العجب
"If you have not sinned, I have really worried you in a greater case than that, 'ujub,' ujub (awe of himself)" [Hadith Hasan Lighairihi, as in the Al-Ashadith Ash-Shahihah Lineage, no. 658, the work of Sheikh Al-Albani]
tameulakei beuluawah the stronghold of the guardian and get
the place that leubeh worth in the sight of Allah SWT, the same ban sare with the martyrs and aulia Allah in yaumil akhirah
Ila hazhratin nabiyil mustafa rasulullahisallalahualaihi wassalam special ila Ruhi ': Dr.Hasan Muhammad Tiro.P.hd, .B.S.C., LLd. ajma.inal fhatihah .......
الحمد لله رب العالمين
الرحمن الرحيم
مالك يوم الدين
إياك نعبد وإياك نستعين
اهدنا الصراط المستقيم
صراط الذين أنعمت عليهم غير المغضوب عليهم ولا الضالين
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