AMAZING FACTS are just a little information around us about things that happened or currently happening which we do not.
Sometimes, it sounds impossible or incorrect but when close researches are made we find out that they are all true. We share amazing facts to educate, for fun an for other unmentioned purposes. so below here are some MIND BLOWING AMAZING FACTS.
An avocado never ripens on the tree, so farmers can use trees as storage and keep avocados fresh for up to seven months.
Children laugh 400 times in a day, while adults laugh on average only 15 times a day
The tongue is the only muscle in the human body that works without any support from the skeleton
You can throw a ball farther to the west than to the east because of the rotation of the earth.
An Octopus has 3 hearts.
Women have twice as many pain receptors on their bodies than men, but much higher pain tolerance
In space, Astronauts cannot cry because there is no gravity.
Sleep literally cleans your brain. During slumber, more cerebrospinal fluid flushes through the brain to wash away harmful proteins and toxins that build up during the day.
The brain is more active in the night than in the day.
In Canada the most productive day of the working week is TUESDAY
It takes 8 minutes for sunlight to travel from sun to the earth, which also means, if you see the sun go out, it actually went out 8 minutes ago
Typewriter is the longest word that can be made only using the first row on KEYBOARD
Astronauts get taller when they are in space.
This particular one blew my mind because don't know why
A chameleon can move its eyes in two directions at the same time
Rubberband lasts longer when refrigerated
The blue whale has a heart the size of a small car and its blood vessels is so broad, that a person can swim through it.