Boh kumude

in aceh •  7 years ago 


God often visited us, but mostly we’re not at home. (Joseph Roux)

Tuhan sering mengunjungi kita, tetapi kebanyakan kita sedang tidak ada di rumah. (Joseph Roux)

God only give the best, even though sometimes it does not fit the desire. But believe me, God had an idea that increasingly more beautiful.

Tuhan hanya berikanlah yang terbaik, walau kadang-kadang tidak pas hasrat. tetapi percayalah, tuhan punya ide yang makin lebih indah.
Good manners consist of small sacrifices.

Sopan–santun yang baik yang terdiri dari pengorbanan-pengorbanan kecil.

Good personal private applicable not only good, but also steer clear of the condition to be treated is not good.

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