in aceh •  7 years ago  (edited)


  • Compulsory study of religion *

وقال الإمام الغزالي رحمه الله في الإحياء: "إن الخاصية التي يتميز بها الناس عن سائر البهائم هو العلم فالإنسان إنسان بما هو شريف لأجله وليس ذلك بقوة شخصه فإن الجمل أقوى منه ولا بعظمه فإن الفيل أعظم منه ولا بشجاعته فإن السبع أشجع منه ولا بأكله فإن الثور أوسع بطنا منه ولا العصافير أقوى على السفاد منه بل لم يخلق إلا للعلم

✍🏻 Says Imam Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn Ahmad Abu Hamid Al-Ghozali:
Indeed the privilege that distinguishes humans from other creatures is RELIGIOUS SCIENCE ,humans are said to be noble beings only because of their knowledge

📌 Not because of its power, because camels are not stronger than humans?

📌 Not because of its greatness, because elephants are not bigger than humans?

📌 Not for his courage, for is not the beast more daring than man?

📌 Not because of the ability to eat, because the bull is not bigger stomach than humans?

📌 Not because of his strong coercion, because is not the most contemptible sparrow stronger than human body?

Man is not created except for science .... Science, science and charity based on sincerity ........


  • Ihyaa 'Uluumiddiin I / 7 *

Are we still lazy to read?

Are we still lazy to seek knowledge of religion?

Are we still wasting time?



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Allahumme sali ala seyidina muhammed