Profile and History of Seunuddon old timessteemCreated with Sketch.

in aceh •  7 years ago 

Seunuddon Sub-district is a district known for its vast area of ​​rice fields and ponds and has a sea full of beauty and rich in history and prominent figures.

Seunuddon sub-district is a sub-district away from the black road (Medan - Banda Aceh) which enters about 12 KM to the capital of Seunuddon Sub-district, with 33 Gampoeng residents around 24,240 inhabitants. This subdistrict is known as a subdistrict with extensive paddy fields and ponds near coastal coasts or coinciding with the sea of ​​Malacca strait, so that the average work of the farmers is rice farmers, fishpond farmers, fishermen and salt farmers. This sub-district still belongs to one of the sub-districts that are still left behind and is known as one of the conflict-affected sub-districts because many of the independent Aceh Independence Army from Seunuddon sub-district includes the most Free Aceh Movement (Mualem) who now serves as Vice Governor of Nanggroe Aceh Darusalam for the period 2012-2017 . On December 26, 2004 in Seunuddon District, there were nine Gapoeng affected by the Tsunami: gampoeng Teupin Kuyun, Gampoeng Ulee Rubek Timur, gampoeng Bantayan, Gampoeng Ulee Rubek Barat, Gampoeng Lhok Puuk, Gampoeng Meunasah sagoe, Matang Lada, Meunasah Payang, so Subdistrict seunuddon one of the worst affected districts of the earthquake and tsunami in North Aceh district.
In this sub district is also known as the origin of the history of Teungku Malem Diwa and as a historical evidence there is a small monarchy located in Gampeong Blanggulumpang which is called as Kuta Piadah, this historical walaupu is not recorded and published through the media and not recorded in a history, but the history of Tuengku Malem Diwa is already known and tamasyur in Naggroe Aceh Darusalam. in other evidence that in Gampoeng Paya Dua Uram there are footprints Teungku Malem diwa where in the gampeong the te is made a hall where the Blang (rice field) candle in the middle of the rice field.
There are many prominent figures from seunuddon sub-districts such as Teuku Markam (Saudagar Kaya Indonesia), Muzakir Manaf (GAM Commander), Prof. Hasbi Amiruddin (IAIN Lecturer), Colonel Djamil Yakop (Former Damdim Banda Aceh), Barlian, AW (founder) Koran Serambi Indonesia and Senian Aceh), and many other prominent figures that can not be mentioned one by one,

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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Se tahu saya tidak ada kata gampong blangglumpang, yang ada kemukiman kuta piadah dan ibukota kemukiman blangglumpang

Kita piadah seunuddon